Thursday, October 31, 2019
Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Privacy - Essay Example This boundary erected by the individual is different for different persons concerned and can be altered depending upon the circumstance and the relationship with other party. An individual is at complete liberty to voluntarily sacrifice his personal privacy. This sacrifice is often associated with benefits in exchange. People who exercise steps to preserve their privacy expect other to respect it. That is why an individual’s right to be not subject to unauthorized privacy raid by anyone is part of numerous countries privacy law. In today’s world, an individual’s privacy is not completely in his own hands. This protection of privacy is also dependent upon the other people with whom the individual has shared his personal information. Any breach of confidence can easily result in loss of privacy i.e. access or knowledge of your personal information to an unauthorized person. Increasing use of technology in workplace has brought with it various benefits ranging from lower operating cost to increased efficiency. However, these benefits are not without side effects because rapidly increasing technology use has become a point of concern for employer and employee both. At a workplace, employers have access to personal information of the employees. How much access an employer has and how is a question of debate. Employers believe that it is necessary to collect this information through monitoring the employee’s activities to avoid liability and discourage illegitimate activities. Employers believe that their act of surveillance and monitoring of employing activities in the office is their right as it leads to reliable performance evaluation of employees, helps in guarding trade secrets etc. Employers have various methods for monitoring employees in the office. These method ranges from recording office telephone, video equipments and having technological admittance to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
COMBATING COMPASSION FATIGUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
COMBATING COMPASSION FATIGUE - Essay Example If the connection is prolonged, the practitioner develops compassion fatigue. Yoder (2010) describes compassion fatigue as a vice that minimizes the efficiency of the practitioner due to their increased connection with their duties. Moreover, compassion fatigue develops a nature in a practitioner that tends to ignore the requirements of the patient. The practitioner is overburdened with emotional and spiritual connections to a point that they do not feel the need to perform exemplarily in their position. 16% – 85% of health care workers in different fields suffer from compassion fatigue (Yoder, 2010). This describes the extent of the crisis in the industry. This paper will provide signs that depict signs of compassion fatigue. In addition, I will analyze the problems that may be caused and aid that may relieve caregivers. There are numerous signs that may depict compassion fatigue in a caregiver. Firstly, the performance of the practitioner deteriorates significantly. This is because the focus of the caregiver is shifted to address their emotional problems. Additionally, the caregiver does not concentrate on their work. This decreases their effectiveness to perform. Apart from physical signs, caregiver may suffer from psychological effects. For instance, they find it difficult to stop thinking about their patients and job. Walton & Alvarez (2010) is of the assumption that a caregiver should be able to have a life beyond their job description. A failure to achieve this depicts compassion fatigue. In other occasion, the caregiver becomes obsessed with their patients. In a worst case, of compassion fatigue, the caregiver has trouble sleeping. This is caused by memories and over thinking about their job and patients. Another sign is that the caregiver does not have the energy and will to work. In addition, they become less satisfied with their work. This
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Types of unemployment and their importance
Types of unemployment and their importance As a matter of fact, there are a lot of the meanings of unemployment. Generally, unemployment is a state of the people who are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for works. Moreover, we have two ways to express the amount of unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. Unemployment can be estimated as a rate of two numbers: amount of jobless people in labor force and total number of labor force. Claimant and Standardized are two means of estimating unemployment rates. However, collected information can be influenced by many factors: false claimants, demoralized work-seekers, part-time employees, and underground economy, etc. In a labor market, wages would adjust to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. There are two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. There are three types of disequilibrium unemployment: real wages unemployment, demand- deficient unemployment and growth in the labor supply. Demand deficient is one of the most factor which influences on the economy growth quickly because of the recession. The recession just happens in a short time but in fact, It will change many factors such as workers are difficult to get a job or the countrys GDP fall rapidly. Equilibrium unemployment has three types: Frictional unemployment that occurs as a result of imperfect information in the labor market. Structural unemployment arises from changes in the pattern of demand or supply in economy. Seasonal unemployment associated with industries or regions where the demand for labor is lower at certain times of the year. Table of Contents I. Introduction 5 II. Unemployment Error: Reference source not found6 A. The meaning of unemployment 6 B. Official measures of unemployment 8 C. Unemployment and the labour market 11 D. Types of disequilibrium unemployment 14 Real-wage unemployment Demand deficient or cyclical unemployment..à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Case studyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.17 E. Equilibrium unemployment (or natural unemployment) 19 Fritional (search) unemployment Error: Reference source not found Structural unemployment. Seasonal unemployment.. III. Conclusion 21 Introduction The serious problem which every country must deal with increase their economy is unemployment. Therefore, before going any further we have to define precisely what we mean by unemployment. It depends on how narrowly it is defined. Actually, the general meaning is no job. Each country almost wants have a low amount of unemployment because if we have a high unemployment amount, our economy will gradually decrease our income. As a result, our economy will go down a lot. In order to understand easily we can examine how the economy flows as below: Unemployment Æ’Â Â ® No income  ® No consumption   ¯ Lay off workers  ¬ Productions Æ’Å ¸  ¬ Aggregate demand Æ’Å ¸ So, this flow chart keeps happen continuously over and over. Thats why our GDP is getting lower and lower as well as jobless people are getting higher and higher. II/ Unemployment: The meaning of unemployment As a matter of fact, almost countries experienced the recession. Moreover, the unemployment figures bring the recession into an even sharper focus. However, the average of unemployment has different levels in different countries. There are many different definitions of unemployment. As a result, we will focus on the meaning of unemployment and the ways express the amount of unemployment. Firstly, we have to address the meaning of unemployment. Generally, unemployment simply means that a person is jobless. Nevertheless, this meaning is not exactly right because children and retired people will be not essential for the statistics. Regardless of the fact that Michael Todaro defines it in two ways as voluntary and involuntary unemployment. The definition of voluntary unemployment is that the people do not find employment, and want to stay at home in order to take care of their families. Conversely, people are able and willing to work but there are no jobs available for them. Therefore, we can understand that unemployment is a state of the people who are adequate standards of health as well as ages and able to work, but they are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for work. Secondly, we should concentrate on the ways express the amount of unemployment. As a rule, there are two ways so as to represent the unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. The number unemployed is used when people are unable to find a job even so they are reading and waiting to work at the prevailing wage. Alternatively, the economists can be expressed the unemployment rate as a percentage if they represent the percentage of total labor force which includes all persons in employment and unemployment. In other words, the prevalence of unemployment usually express as the unemployment rate which is defined as the percentage of the labor force. For instance, if there were 30 million people in employment and 2 million people in unemployment in a country, we could find the unemployment rate by: All things considered, unemployment is one of the most important problems in the economy. The level of unemployment usually shows the economic situation in a country. Furthermore, it also changes over time because it depends on the economic conditions and other circumstances. B) Official measures of unemployment Unemployment is the serious problem in every country. It is one of the primary factors has effected to the increasing or the decreasing Government income. The main objective of every economy is always attempt to cut down a percentage of unemployment rates as low as possible, because it can be a charge of social, an ineffectiveness of human resources or a reduction of national revenue. In order to resolve these crisis effects we need to estimate the unemployment rate to boost the national economy. There are two general measures of unemployment: Claimant unemployment and Standardized unemployment rates. Claimant unemployment: According to this measure unemployment rate will be calculated as percentage between the number of claimants and the total of labor force. It has several important advantages. For example, it is not too difficult to resume information, and it is the fastest method so far. Although the method has the advantages listed above, it also has some disadvantages such as false information or overstate of people just wants to get allowance but not really looking for a job. In addition, this number excludes jobless people that cannot satisfies the qualified for benefits. Standardized unemployment rates: This is the modern formula set up by two international organizations: The International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Based primarily on them the rate will be collected by national labor force examination. Basically, work forces are enough old to go to work and also active to looking for a job right now. It is an improved measure but it still has the limit in somehow. First, we can observe it on the effective factor. For instance, providing the more exactly figure than Claimant unemployment because it include people who highly want to find out a job but cannot be eligible claimant at the meantime. In contrast, several bad factors of this method make it has some less effective. It is taking much time to survey and statistic. Moreover, it cannot count discouraged workers who have given up looking for a job after long-term unemployment. And people work for underground economy, which have illegal job for example drug dealer, mafia and etc. can be consider as unemployment while part-time workers who would like to get the full-time job but they cannot get any suitable jobs are excluded from unemployment numbers. To illustrate this let examine the unemployment rate in Australia with the method of Standardized unemployment rates from source of CIA world factbook: Source of CIA world factbook. Based on above column chart- the numbers of Australian unemployment rate survey from labor force- we can observe the lowest rate in 2009 and the peak in 2003. However, the percentage from 2009 to 2010 increases dramatically with percentage of +1.5% because the influence global economic resection. In order to avoid economic seriously affected by the recession, Australian government has solutions by injecting a lot of money as well as push their citizens to spend money to expand more job for Australians. However, this situation still does not effective in this time. To sum up, Australian government should have the right policies to improve this situation unemployment. C) Unemployment and the labor market In a labor market, wages would adjust in order to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. The reasons of unemployment can be divided into two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. In a perfectly competitive labor market, the intersection of demand and supply curves determined the wage rate and level of employment. Real wage S D N Labor Real wage S D Labor Average (Real) Wage Rate AS N e d W AD O Q No. of workers Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. According to the Sloman (2007), the aggregate supply of labor curve (AS) is fairly inelastic and it may become less inelastic when the new labor enter the labor market or the unemployed workers rather start to work than search for a new better job . It indicates the number of workers who are willing to accept the work at different real wage rate. Besides, the downward slope is the aggregate demand for labor curve (AD). Firms will spare employees and replace some factors of the production when the real wage rate is getting higher. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. D) Types of disequilibrium unemployment: 1. Real wage unemployment: Firstly, we focus on the real-wage unemployment which is the form of disequilibrium unemployment. It occurs when real wages for works are forced above the market-clearing level leading to an excess supply of labor. As a matter of fact, trade unions are one of the most important causes of real-wage unemployment because they control the wages by their power. However, their power has diminished significantly over recent years. Moreover, it is popularly believed that the minimum wage is also the reason for real wage unemployment. 2. Demand-deficient It also calls cyclical or Keynesian unemployment. If the economy slides into recession or inflation, this thing will happen. Besides, aggregate demand is a caused of demand deficient. If demand for goods and services decrease, it leads to the surplus of output and consequently, the firm are forced to dismiss amount of labor they employ before. Furthermore, the recession lasts more seriously and the higher will worst case. In addition, the people who out of work will be de-skilled or de motivated. As a result, it is hard to find a new job in the future or perhaps they earn a few money in lowing job. Cyclical unemployment will increase during the recession time otherwise will go down when the economy recover. Moreover, demand deficient may be happen in the long term because of many reasons. The first thing is if the company cut wages of worker, it dues to it will influences on aggregate demand and consumer spending. Next reason is the higher of unemployment will make the customer l imit their spending and it makes the GDP of one country will reduce Demand deficient unemployment is associated with the theory of J.M.Keynes who developed his General Theory of Money against a backdrop of the Great (.December 2nd, 2009 | economics) Unemployment caused by a fall in total demand with no fall in the real wage rate. Why real wage would not fall ? There are two reasons to explain this question Efficiency wages: The first thing is the traditional one of balancing the demand and supply of labor. The second is motivating workers. Efficiency wages means we will attract the qualified employees by pay higher salaries than the market clearing. Furthermore, the surplus labor market can make the employer work less hard and make substandard goods. Another ideas is that it can make the number of unemployment increase rapidly because they will hire a group of people who can work effective, as a result, they will get a lot of profits from employment. Insider power: the people are members of unions and they also have many special skills or their knowledge can attract employers while the outsiders do not have influence on the firm. As a result, the outsiders can drive down the real wage rate even eliminate demand- deficient unemployment. To examine more details about this problems, if the real wage really fall , perhaps we cannot solve this problem and might be make it worse because they will cut in workers wages, it leads to the workers income also go down. Consequently, labor force have to reduce their consumption of goods ->remain demand deficient unemployment. In addition, although the economy can overcome again, the demand deficient still fall steadily because of business cycle. 3. Growth in the labor supply The labor supply and demand need to balance together. If the supply of labors increases, it means there are many workers will seek the firm, but in fact there is not enough demand of labors, it may be a cause of unemployment. Moreover, the real wage will fall and it is also a disadvantage of things with employers. Finally, the woman or the children have over 16 years old can get a part time job despite the lower average wage rate. CASE STUDY Figure: Rates of unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64): 1995-2005 I will show you more details about unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64) 1995- 2005. It is difficult to measure of youth unemployment from full- time student to full time worker. In Australia, the trends of young people combine education and employment in many different ways. For instance, many teenage schools always find a part- time job to support their tuition fees such as waiters or waitress in the restaurant or Vietnamese students help their host selling foods in the supermarket Young people try on different types of post- school education just as they try-on different jobs (Wynn,2005). Moreover, it is hard to find a full-time job in 2005 because of recession. As a result, 20% teenagers who look for full- time work are unemployed (Parliamentary Library,2005). In figure 4 show unemployment among youth has fallen by a relatively large 5%, otherwise, the older workers also go down strongly in 2005 with 2%.Due to, a rise in participation rate of this group. Recent unemployment is a second group which is facing high unemployment. There three reasons, first of all are youth people, they have to spend a lot of time to find out information to get a suitable job. It is difficult for person who cannot speak English and they also shock by many varieties of culture even lacking of good- skills. Finally, the discrimination is one of the most important things because it always happens everywhere such as sexual, national origins or age (Richardson et at 2004). Data for 2005 show that migrants with these characteristics quickly find employment six months after arrival, 83% of skilled primary applicant had a job, while 12% were looking for work(5% were not in the labor force)*. In general, higher unemployment and non- participation in the labor force than for skilled primary applicants. Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. E) Equilibrium unemployment is the economic situation in which aggregate demands for and supplies for labor at the current real wage rate are equal. There are three types of equilibrium unemployment: 1. Frictional unemployment: Can be understand like this example, a first-time job seeker may lack the resources or efficiency for finding the company that has the job that is available and suitable for him or her. As a result this person does not take other work, temporarily holding out for the better-paying job. Basically to understand that frictional unemployment is the place which is helps unemployment to search or find jobs for them, even they are voluntarily. Even though after the unemployment try their first job and they cant be suitable with that , they can be continue to ask the frictional unemployment to help them again to search a new job. In this place, so many available unemployment for workers search and neither for unemployment. 2. Structural unemployment: As you know, the computers may have eliminated jobs but they also opened up some of new positions for those who have the skill to operate. As we know, the structural unemployment is the place for company to changes their economy. There are 2 main reasons: A change in the pattern of demand b) A change in the method of production 3. Seasonal unemployment: Unemployment expected at a given time of year. Resort areas, for example, can expect to experience seasonal unemployment during the off-season. Unemployment statistics provided by the government are seasonally adjusted. CONCLUSION Unemployment is a serious problem with each country which has an important effect of society as well as economy. Firstly, we need to estimate a detailed amount of unemployment rate of each careers and ages. Moreover, from this estimate, the government needs to release the type of unemployment which will be necessary to improve. From this point, it should put forward a lot of suitable strategy or policy about society and jobs. To improve this situation, we should have job information, which is provided by government job centers, by private employment agencies, or by local and national newspapers.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Gillette Marketing Plan Essay -- Business Marketing Analysis Managemen
Gillette Marketing Plan Gillette's $9.2 billion global business began on September, 1901 by the name of "American Safety Razor Company. In 1902 it was names Gillette Safety Razor Company. The Gillette Company today is the global market leader in nearly a dozen major consumer products categories, principally in the grooming, alkaline battery and oral care businesses. It is the largest known company for producing razors and other shaving products. The five different business units Gillette focuses on are Blades & Razors, Duracell, Oral Care, Braun and Personal care. This project deals with the production of a disposable razor with incorporated gel. Gillette is the largest well known company for producing razors. The company receives the greatest profits from that operation. Gillette sells products in over 200 countries and has approximately 28,700 employees, 70& from which are outside of the US. Manufacturers operate at 31 facilities in 14 countries and 40% of sales come from NEW products for 11 consecutive y ears. The Gillette Company's Vision is to build Total Brand Value by innovating to deliver consumer value and customer leadership faster, better and more completely than their competition. This Vision is supported by two fundamental principles that provide the foundation for all of our activities: Organizational Excellence and Core Values. Organizational Excellence is accomplished by superior and continually improving performance in every area and at every level of the organization. Gillette's performance should be guided by a clear and concise strategic statement for each business unit. Excellence requires hiring, developing and retaining a diverse workforce of the highest caliber. The three core values that define the ... ...ategic direction of the company of holding the leadership position n the grooming market. Also, this strategy will fit with Gillette's major, sustainable, competitive advantage of being an industry innovator (3). Manufacturing the "Sensor 3 Gel" will add value to the organization, as it will reposition the Gillette Company as the undisputable industry leader. The "disposable razor" target market will be male population across the world. In 2002 more than 1.7 billion men over 15 years old removed hair daily with over 80% using a blade and a razor (2). These numbers show that there is a large market for razors worldwide. The "disposable razor" will first be manufactured with a regular shave gel to appeal to a large group of men. But in the long run, new and more focused groups will be targeted. Different shaving gels for different type of skins will be introduced.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Are you ready boots
You Ready Boots is a short story about an English girl called Lulu and her black leather boots. The story begins in New York where Lulu, her good pal Spencer and another freind are on a four day trip. On a shoe sale she finds these marvellous boots that makes her feel fantastic, and she buys them. When shes back in England she can't bear to wear them bacause they were so expensive. Until one night six month later when she's going out with Spencer and he encourages her to wear them.She does, and that night she meets a very handsome man called Charlie. After a while she walks straight to him (in her boots), talks with him, and she ends up with dating him. They become lovers and he seems to be the â€Å"perfect†man. Only Spencer disapproves their relationship. After a while Charlie proposes and she accepts. The same night she decides to wear the same dress, including the boots, as the day the met. But then Charlie says that he hates the boots and he asks her to take them off. Th en she looks at her great boots, makes a decision and leaves†¦The main character is a woman called Lulu. I think she might be in the twenties because she's old enough to gets married and young enough to go out and get drunk with her freinds. She lives in England, and she seems to be like a typical city girl who likes shopping, going out with freinds and so on. She may be a little upper class for example bacause she drinks champagne when she's going out, but still she's not like a real richie, because of the way she's ashamed of the price of the boots and how she's very impressed of Charlie's Porsche.It also confirms my feeling of Lulu as a girl ho likes the â€Å"wealthy feeling†and that is also the reason that she in the beginning buys the boots even though they are too expensive. This leads to another of Lulu's traits; that she's pretty conscious about the way she looks, and others looks. When she finally takes courage to talk with Charlie for the first time, she's su re that it's because of the boots – she finds self-confidence in material things like the expensive boots. It's also notable how much of the text that the description of the boots and her thoughts about them fills.As well as the descriptions of Charlie's handsome look s described a lot of times. I think she's typical young and modern woman who likes a lot of â€Å"normal†things. The way she doesn't sees â€Å"the real†Charlie for such a long time, do I interpret as some kind of desperation sign. If she's in the late twenties many of her freinds may have really had a boyfreind†). Nobody wants to be the lonely old maid, when their freinds become parents and so on†¦ Two men have important roles in the story: Lulu's good pal Spencer and Charlie who becomes her boyfreind.Spencer is like a real freind who takes her out for fun, who orries about her and I think that he knows her very well. He is with her in New York when she buys the boots and he is the on e who tells her his actual opinion about Lulu and Charlie's releationship. At first she doesn't wants to listen to him, but she can't Just forgets what he said which shows us that she normally listens to Spencer's opinions. And in the end it's also like his the one who's proved right. Charlie is a totally different kind of man. He is not spontaneous funny like Spencer is – in fact I dont think he's spontaneous at all (or funny).But he walks straight in to Lulu's life, at a point when I think she needs a man. He's very good looking, seems to be the perfect man and Lulu is flattered because of the way he for example always remembers to call her. Her love for this man is not described anywhere in the text and it's tempting to doubt that she actually never loved him.. Fundamentally I dont think that you should Judge people's choices of clothes because you should be allowed to wear what ever you want to. But it is not always possible to escape if people ask you directly what you t hink of this and that- which girl freinds often do.And in such a situation I think that the only right thing to do is to tell the truth. But I still think that the whole truth may be a little too hard sometimes. And then it's okay to tell a tiny little lie. But there are cases where it's the best to tell the hard truth to kind of prepare the person you are talking with, bacause you can see that if you dont say anything other people, and maybe strangers, will do and that's a lot worse. So to what extent it is okay to Judge depends on the situation, how close you are to the person you are Judging and how â€Å"necessary' the Judgement is.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Evidence based practice Essay
There is a need for health services stipulation to apply the best evidence instead of applying the customary methods (Stevens et al, 2001). However, this is only possible if practitioners, researchers, scholars, politicians, managers and public in general conducted a high quality research. Different methods of researches that are evident-based tend to have lack support from most users. This is because those researches are lack of proper referencing which the reviewer could not access. This module has requisite us to articulate the definition of evidence based practice, analyzing different forms of evidence and reflect on possible tactics utilized in the implementation of evidence based practice. To aid me in achieving those outcomes, I have use resources from database like ebscohost, books, researches, journals and search engine like Google. The paper I choose focuses on a descriptive-correlation method of research based on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique. This research is vital due to several cases of surgical infection taking place in operating room. The aim of the study is to determine the information and extent of applying sterile technique among operating room nurses in four selected hospitals in Samar, Philippines. Globalization comes with a large number of professional developments and policies especially in the nursing sector. Working in a government hospital in the Middle East, and attached to operating department is tough because research carried out on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile techniques clearly shows a clear association between knowledge and practice (Luo et al,2010). This study was conducted on four hospitals in Philippines. Inclusion standards were set for this study is participation among nurses are nurses with permanent employment, nurses who agreed to participate on this study and nurses working in the identified hospitals. The research concludes that knowledge has a positive effect on the extent of practice by the nurses. Different International bodies as Commission for health improvement prove that evidence based practice is researched on daily basis by different scholars. Evidence based practice (EBP) requires the nurse to be able to apply his/her knowledge in operations without necessarily consulting. EBP Sackett et al (2000) denote evidence-based practice is a popular discipline that applies in clinical practices since 1992, and started with the medicine sector as Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). It later spread out to other fields like nursing, education, dentistry, psychology, and library among others. EBP demands that these practical decisions need to come from confirmed research studies, and they should interpret according to particular EBP norms. EBP is the incorporation of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. This explanation emphasizes on the patient’s situations, goals, available evidence and the practitioner’s expertise. However, there are some patients who reject the administration based on their different culture and values. Besides that, the practitioner might understand underlying hindrances like finances that may halt the application of EBP. Evidence Based Practice in nursing includes the major decisions made by the professionals, which in my area includes the surgeries. Some of these decisions include appraising, accessing, and integrating research evidence with their professional judgment and with their clinical decision-making (Department of Health, 2002). The research on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile techniques intention is to identify the extent of nurses applying their knowledge in practice pertaining sterile technique. There are several factors on why nurses are reluctant to apply EBP in their daily work. Evidence based practice include making decisions by combining any knowledge acquired from the nursing practice, patients inclination, and applying research evidence. It means that the nurses have a variety of options including sitting back and watching, or taking action based on their experience. Nevertheless, the decision made is crucial hence it need brainwave. A clinical question is essential before making evidence-based decision. So, it is important to search for a suitable EBP to help in making the right decision at the particular situation. Lastly, the nurse evaluates the different effects of the action taken. Strengths of EBP Since the early years of Florence Nightingale, research became popular till the first nursing journal published in United States in 1952 which began considering evidence based practice. Nightingale is famous for her systematic thinking and applied religious faith that favored systematic approach. According to Keith (1988), Nightingale had a good access to governmental information and other material making her work knowledge based. She applied graphical presentation in form of pie and bar charts unlike others who used tables. The health ministry requested Royal College of Nursing in 1966 to examine the effectiveness of nursing. From then onwards, various research programs came up including Information provision and wound care. Anyhow, Rodgers (2000) noted that the progress of EBP is slow but it is successful as the years go. Utilization of evidence-based knowledge broadens the relationship between the nurses and the management like the clinicians. Another major strength in evidence-based practice includes a research carried out around 1990’s on the physical constraint normally applied on older frail generation. The result showed harmful and prolonged routines thus it made a change in the national policy within acute care hospices and long-term care settings (Evans et al, 2006). These changes presented a drop in constrained home care residents from 1980s 75% to 2004s 8%. Nurses applied excessive pressure on the elderly without realizing of the psychological torture involved. Weaknesses of Evidence Based Research Today, science has expanded and advance compare to those years during Nightingale years. In spite of this progressive development, there is still a gap on contemporary knowledge and the extensive adoption to improve the health sector. Bass (2010) stated EBP appliance in nursing profession is similar in all fields or disciplines. The major challenge is the readiness to apply these evidence-based researches due to different drawbacks that include lack of understanding, inclusion, and lack of necessary education programs. To further strengthen this argument, Pravikov et al (2005) mention most nurses have two years degree program which does not accommodate evidence based practice. Moreover, EBP weakness also includes accessing of vital information on the research done. The information gathered in research is publishing in various resources like database, journals, health magazines, newspapers, books and online. Therefore, users find it difficult to access especially in work place. In nursing, the clinical specialists and the doctors who own higher skills in recognizing problems, analyzing, and translating are far from reach. Hence, they are hesitated to apply EBP in their practice. Usefulness of Evidence Based Practice in my clinical Practice Perioperative nurse must be knowledgeable on sterilized technique. Reflecting on my experience being a perioperative nurse for five years now, to enhance better understanding on the importance of sterile technique and the consequences of not applying sterile technique, EBP is the best tactic. For instance, EBP is based on studies done on sterile technique and they show result for not applying sterile technique may lead to surgical infection. EBP make perioperative nurses like me acknowledge importance of sterile technique and we are accountable for patient’s safety. Hereafter, nurses could make decision-making on evidence-based in their practice. It is crucial for nurses to be familiar with different decisions they partake and consider the consequences associated with the decision made. It is also important for nurses to be given the necessary skills required to enable them construct the vital questions and efficiently and effectively look for the available study evidence that best applies to these questions. The research on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice evidently show that many nurses have not applied their knowledge in practice. Helpful information that I picked in this study is the importance of sterilizing the operating instrument. This study based on surgical sites infections that are common in most operating rooms. Globally, studies shows that, 2-5% of the patients undergoing operation suffer from surgically related infections. This definitely raises most hospital concern and wants more research to be carried out in order to identify where the problem lies. Surgical site infection causes many deaths during the operations, and that is the reason why different strategies like sterilizing technology came up. Many patients have died because of infected surgical wound and this calls for an evidence based study to resolve the prevailing problem. EBP faces major emphasis from American Psychological Association (APA), American Nurses Association, Occupational Therapy Association, and American Physical Theory association. In psychiatry, rehabilitation, medicine, psychology, and other professional bodies, loose bodies of knowledge apply, and this is a major drawback on their performances. Evidence based practice begins with a profiling research which informs the professionals and their clients what works best for them. Easy access to EBP information enhances both clients and the practitioners to identify their helpful treatment before intervention starts. Methodology tool The article that I will critic is on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique by Leodoro et al (2012)(Appendix 1).I have choose this article as it has link with my profession and it is very knowledgeable for me being a perioperative nurse. The critic tool that I have chosen is step by step guidelines in critiquing a quantitative research study by Coughlan et al (2007)(Appendix 2). The methodology tool applied in this study was descriptive-correlation research method. The descriptive method describes the knowledge and the extent of which the nurses applied the sterilization technique in practice. In addition, the correlation method is dissimilar relationships among the different variables used. This study was conducted in four hospitals in Philippines and the results are based on answers by nurses with permanent employment, nurses who agreed to participate on this study and nurses working in the identified hospitals. There are three-part questionnaire consisted of demographics profiles of the participants. This part carries 10 multiple-choice questions and 10 general questions with an expected score of 20, and intended to measure the nurse’s knowledge scope using sterilized instruments. Questionnaire 11 includes a checklist whereby the participants rated out of 5 points with 1 being lowest rate. The data analyzed through inferential and descriptive statistics consisting of frequency, standard deviation, percentage and mean. Critiquing Descriptive-correlation Tool Analyzing research studies require suitable tool looking at the methodology used. Tanner (2003) suggests these tools normally bear questions that aid the analyzer in determining the different steps followed in this research. It is notable that some steps are more vital than others. Descriptive-correlation tool applied in this study is credible based on many factors. The researcher uses simple language that is easy to understand without consultation. This means there are no scientific jargons that sometimes pose a threat to the readers. The authors seem to understand the subject matter clearly according to the list of questions in their questionnaire. The questionnaire cover most elements related to the operating room’s practice. For instance, hand washing, scrubbing, intraoperative phase and circulator role. The purpose of this study is vital due to several incidents that related to surgical wound infection. In the article abstract, they mention the overview of their study, including the research problem which is in prevention of surgical site infection and contamination, sterile technique need to be implemented. They also remark the sample, methodology, finding and recommendations which is mention earlier in the need for the nurses to control and protect the patients from surgical site infections. The grammar used in this study is straightforward, easy to understand and systematically arranged. Usually, a reader like me demands an interesting research that motivates us to continue analyzing, and this presents well in the above-mentioned analysis. There are certain factors that strengthen this research, which includes the identification of the research problem. The hypothesis used is that most nurses have th e knowledge on sterile techniques but due to some reasons, they fail to apply it in practice. Some nurses bear the knowledge but they lack the confidence to put this evidence-based research into practice. There are four major reasons that limit the nurses from using EBP. Retsas (2008) stated research reports similar to the above-mentioned are normally complex, statistical, academic and nurses find it difficult to interpret or work with the research products. The research article on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique is a study that is markedly academic and statistical. This may cause confusion to nurses during interpretation. The results are graphical and the nurse might have problems understanding it. This particular research is consistent and any nurse whether a graduate or a trainee can easily relate to it except of the graphical result. Beginning from the introduction, methodology, participants, instrument analysis, results and conclusion, the study is systematic with a great flow of intense knowledge. The researcher clearly links each step to the other with the objective of the study, which follows with a literature review. In their literature review, the research is rather shallow compared to other great researches. It is lacked of specific details on the occasions where nurses have failed to apply the technology and the consequences that follow. The literature failed to analyze the different surgical tools applied in the operating rooms by the nurses. However, they identified the hospital and the need for the research. The literature should include the history of evidence-based practice including when it began and why. The hypothetical structure lacks in this study, which is necessary for reader who needs to understand and analyze the research. The researchers did not go in depth into the subject matter although the introduction had a good review of the search information. In terms of theoretical framework, which is a necessity in most researches (Basset & Basset 2003), the author failed to identify a conceptual model that would assist the reader as guidance. The research paper is lacked of proper relationship between different concepts in its literature. However, most theoretical frameworks work best in experimental and quasi-experimental researches unlike in descriptive studies similar to the above mentioned. According to Dale (2005) in every research, it is vital to identify the main question and this was not seen in this research. For example, the researcher should have asked how competent the management of the operating room is in educating their staffs on sterile technique. This would assist the researches in analyzing the situation because the failure to practice sterile technique could be perioperative nurses not sent for continuous education leading to lack of competency. These questions are likely to come from patients or the nurses themselves. The questions may derive from the customary practices or from different literature. The sample in this study, for me the size is relatively small compared to the many operating rooms in P hilippines. Anyhow, the choice of participants in regards to age group, and gender is great. In terms of experience, the researcher should have picked people with longer experience in the job. Most of the participants are below five years’ experience in this research. The attendance for educational training of these participants is equally poor so it could not provide a conclusive result. The distribution of the sample is also inadequate because female participants are 73% compared to their male counterparts who are at 23%. A bigger sampling in all categories would have provided a better data analysis. This study was carried out in hospitals and chances for the nurses were conversant with the subject at hand. However, the participants were from only one-region hospitals and different issues may have limited their voluntary information. At times, the participants are not sure of their confidentiality, despite them signing confidentiality forms; they still have the fear of being exposed. The nurses could fear intimidation from the superiors, and this drives them to give false information in favor of the organization. The researcher got the approval from the ethics committee at Samar Provincial hospital, and the other hospitals before they began conducting their research. No participants were forced or harm during the survey. Neither there was any bias because the respondents were not selected purposively. In the operational definitions, the researcher ensured that the reader fully comprehended the study by applying simple concepts and terms in the research (Parahoo, 2006). The researchers have used clear and simple understanding terms to carry out this study. The research design used in the research on operating room nurses’ knowledge and practice of sterile techniques is a descriptive-correlation method, which is a recent method of study that is very effective. This is because it integrates the description of the nurses’ knowledge and the extent at which they practice the use of sterile technique together with a correlation analysis showing the relationship between the two variables. However, most of these studies relate because the objective regards patterns in group behaviors, tendencies, averages, and properties (Robson 2002). There is a possibility of mentality to take place as most of the researches done clinical credibility because these research products are not conclusive. This is a major drawback for nurses to agree in applying the results (recommendation) which also decrease the confidence in the products used for the survey like the questionnaire and the sample. In my opinion, the study did not succeed to offer a proper clinical direction and so the nurses prefer not to use them. Most nurses prefer a research that is more prescriptive and clinical concerning their work place. The data collection is similar to a quantitative methodology of research whereby different data that includes questionnaires, interviews, and observation tools used. These tools are appropriate with the study aim. Then again, questionnaires are prevalent with different sets of closed questions and few with multiple choices and others with direct answers. The overall reliability and validity was discussed in the weakness and strength of the study done. It was describe as good but not perfect. Its validity, which is its ability to measure the content (Wood et al, 2006), is downcast due to the number of samples were insufficient (21 participants) and also from one region only. For the tool’s reliability, Wood et al (2006) stated reliability is to accurately measure and consistently measure the theory which being studied which was done in this research. The researchers have always emphasized on the extent of sterile technique practice throughout the study. This study had a pilot study, which assisted the researcher in making some adjustments in their research. The researcher’s data analysis is a well-analyzed methodology since it is not complex and daunting. The ratings are clear and easy to understand. For instance, they used descriptive statistics that include the percentage, frequency, standard deviation and mean. The interpretation of the results included 0-7 as â€Å"needed improvement†, 8-10 as â€Å"fair†, 11-13 as â€Å"good†, 14-16 as â€Å"very good†, and 14-16 as â€Å"excellent†. This is quite an easy interpretation and anyone is able to analyze and understand. These are inferential tests and it helps the researcher in identifying the relationship among variables. The researcher discussed the findings in simple and clear terms. The researcher has a logical flow of information and the hypothesis is clearly supported by these findings. This study bears significance in its findings as per Russell (2002), and the researcher specifies every result without generalizing it. They reported each section independently whether it could be gender, age, experience and number of training attended. As mention earlier, the perioperative nurses have knowledge of using sterile techniques but rarely apply them in practice (Luo et al 2010). The research also concluded that half of the nurses had the knowledge on sterile technique. In Goiana hospital, 75.6% seemed to understand the standard precautionary measures on surgical site infection (Melo et al 2006). Most researched documents have no references, which makes them less favorable. There are known perspectives on accessibility of information and they include the humanistic ideology which involves the notion that human resource is most accessible. There is also a strong belief that local information derived from locally developed technologies is more accessible. The latest technologies information can be retrieve from internet easily accessible. However, the researcher did not mention much on recommendation for nurses to apply sterile technique in practice which is vital in guiding the readers. Discussion The study’s hypothesis that majority of the operating room nurses have the knowledge on implementing sterile technique, but seldom apply it in practice have been achieved as end result of the study. The findings confirmed that the nurses held a strong knowledge of the use of sterile technique according to the table 6 that showed the correlation between knowledge and the extent of use of sterile technique by the participating nurses. The discussion is clear and well elaborated in simple terms. The researcher explains the underlying causes on why nurses rarely apply the knowledge into practice. The issue of occupational culture where questioning is unpopular should be contested, and the nurses should ask any questions in the event of uncertainty. The information on sterile technique and importance of it should be taught to nurses by sending them for educational trainings or emphasize it at all times in work place. This information should be accessible especially the evidence-bas ed literature in order for the evidence-based practice to be implemented. For instance, books related to operating room and patient’s safety should be kept in operating department where nurses can access them anytime when needed. The researchers also discuss on the strength and limitation of their study which is appropriate as it helps the reader determine the reliability of the study and also the choice to implement it or not. The strength of the study is to ensure there was no selection bias; the respondents were inclusive of the entire population of operating room nurses in four identified hospitals for the investigation. Nevertheless, a wider variety of hospitals would have added this strength. Furthermore, the research shows that the investigation is from one province only, which weakens its strength. The discussion also noted the weakness in the questionnaire method of research because it lacked some details like. It is also clear that some participants fear telling the truth despite their secrecy assurance. However, the research discussion is clear on its demerits, and although it does not offer any suggestion on a further research, it is vital to have a more detailed study on the same issue. Most researchers offer recommendation because their researches are not conclusive which this particular researcher failed to apply. The referencing in this study is very accurate especially on the in text citation. Most researches fail to offer the in text citation and leaves the readers struggling on locating the referencing. The higher number of references, the stronger the research perceives. Different methods of researches that are evident-based tend to have lack support from most readers. This research had 18 references, which is the average number, required for any research. However, more references would have strengthened the research. This study has much merit but the method requires evaluation. The sampling requires a larger demographic region in order to accommodate more representatives of the participants. It is crucial for perioperative nurses to apply their knowledge on sterile technique in practice. If sterile technique is not applied during surgery it may lead to surgical infection which will harm the vulnerable patients which may also cause death if not treated well. Conclusion The study on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique is a vital research globally and it was fairly conducted. Further research is recommended because this problem continues due to frequent changes in technology and management. The nurses should implement a more basic role in services through application of their skills while addressing questions from outside clinical range. This would in return increase their service demands from the environs. For skills development, the nurses should complement their hands-on function within the department. 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