Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Gender Roles of Boys and Girls Essay - 847 Words
Sondra Staubitz English 102 Paper #1 March 3, 2011 â€Å"Boys and Girls†â€Å"Boys and Girls†is a coming of age story about a girl who is enjoying her life as a tomboy. The young girl, who does not want to assume traditional female gender roles and is very resistant about becoming a woman. The story â€Å"Boys and Girls†by Alice Munro explores issues of feminism, and gender roles through key elements such as characterization, symbolism, and theme. The author presents her characters through direct description and also shows them in action. In â€Å"Boys and Girls†the central character is a young girl who narrates the story about her life on a farm and about her search for gender identity.†¦show more content†¦The girl and her brother climbed up the fence and watched Flora running free in the barnyard. Despite the fact that Flora was just an old mare, â€Å"it was exciting to see her running, whinnying, going up on her hind legs, prancing and threatening like a horse in a Weste rn movie†(Munro 577). Generally, a horse that runs free like â€Å"an unbroken ranch horse,†symbolizes a freedom of spirit and freedom of existence. The horse that was locked in a dark stable for several long winter months, could not resist the power of space and fresh air, and understandably went wild, when she was taken out on a bright spring day. Perhaps, a sense of the coming end made Flora take advantage of a sudden freedom and enjoys the last moments of her life. No wonder that the independence-spirited girl, who was confined in the same old farm for eleven years, got excited about watching broken free Flora. The theme of â€Å"Boys and Girls†addresses the challenges of acquiring self-awareness as a girl and the transition from the childhood tomboy into the woman her mother wants her to be. The girl feels uneasy about becoming a woman, because she enjoys helping her father and respects his work. The girl does not want to take part in the female gend er chores in the house; she wants to work outside with her father. The story is centered on gender roles of women and the girl must face and accept that her role is notShow MoreRelatedGender Roles For Boys And Girls Essay1101 Words  | 5 PagesSo, what if a boy in the classroom decides that they want to play house with a baby doll or maybe dress up as a princess? Or maybe a girl decides she would rather get dirty and play monster than play dolls. Those children would be going against the typical general roles for boys and girls. Some adults are not ok with children going against their typical role, for example if a boy plays with a doll some adults feel that they are losing their masculinity. However it is okay if a girl decides to playRead MoreGender Roles in Alice Munros Boys and Girls1081 Words  | 5 PagesIn Alice Munro’s short story â€Å"Boys and Girls,†our narrator is a young farm girl on the verge of puberty who is learning what it means to be a â€Å"girl.†The story shows the differing gender roles of boys and girls – specifically that women are the weaker, more emotional sex – by showing how the adults of the story expect the children to grow into their respective roles as a girl and a boy, and how the children grow up and ultimately begin to fulfill these roles, making the transition from being â€Å"children†Read MoreGender Roles In Boys And Girls By Alice Munro815 Words  | 4 PagesIn a time and society pervaded with gender roles and labels, bo ys and girls tells a story of a young girl’s initial confrontation with domesticity. To set the stage, the protagonist is a 10-year old unnamed girl. Meanwhile, her brother was named synonymous to â€Å"Lord†, a titled gentleman. Apparently, Alice Munro will not take this treatment of women as second class citizens sitting down. My father did not talk to me unless it was about the job we were doing†¦ Nevertheless I worked willingly underRead MoreGender Roles In Boys And Girls By Alice Munro1192 Words  | 5 PagesHistorically, gender roles determined one’s course of life. Learning from generations past and how a person is raised, teaches one what is expected of them in the future. In Alice Munro’s short story â€Å"Boys and Girls†, the expectations of each gender determines the narrator’s role in society and who she becomes. This story is set in the mid twentieth century, a time where men and women were seen as having different purposes in life (Jade Mazarin). Throughout the story, it is portrayed that men wereRead MoreGender Roles : Alice Munro s Boys And Girls 1051 Words  | 5 PagesGender Roles In Alice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls†, the story is focused on a working class family who lives on a farm. A man’s role on the farm or in general is to work for the family and do the heavy work that a woman wouldn’t be able to do. The daughter in the story is very much inspired by the father and wishes to pursue in the activities that are being performed around the farm. The mother needs help around the house and that was the role many females took over for many centuries and generationsRead MoreGender Roles Are Perceived By Society Between Girls And Boys1305 Words  | 6 Pagesthe research is to analyze and compare two studies of how gender roles are perceived by society between girls verse boys in science, technology fields in comparison to sports. The researchers collected data from both studies to help give a better understanding in the roles of femininity verse masculinity, and to determine what career choices girls and boys were likely to be int erested in. 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However, equally important in this era are the women who pushed for gender role reevaluation and publicly rebelled against the established social norm of a womans place. Although Alice Munro may not have been burning her bra on the courthouse steps, threads of a feminist influence can be found in Boys and Girls.Read MoreGender Roles in Alice Munro’s Boys and Girls and Bobbie Ann Mason’s Shiloh1068 Words  | 5 Pageshousewife was absurd, and a woman being the sole provider for the family bizarre. In Alice Munro’s short story â€Å"Boys and Girls†and Bobbie Ann Mason’s â€Å"Shiloh†, conflict arises when expectations based on gender are not fulfilled by the characters. According to â€Å"Boys and Girls†, there are certain things women should not be doing as defined by their genders. The narrator, a young girl, feels more inclined to spend her time outside alongside her father, â€Å"I worked willingly under his eyes, and withRead MoreDo Schools and Mass Media Contribute to Stereotyped Gender Roles in Chinese Society?1586 Words  | 6 PagesGender role is defined as the social position and behavioral norm that is considered appropriate for an individual of a specific gender in the society (Liu, 2003). Every society has its unique culture and gender role is one of the products of a society’s history and culture. It is not set up by a single person within a short period, but by countless people in the society for thousands years. Parents started to shape their children’s gender by dressing and naming them according to their gender soon
Monday, December 16, 2019
An Argument For Being A Poser - 1645 Words
In An Argument for Being a Poser, Liz Armstrong describes the crucial dilemma every young person faces about their identity, and to which subgenre do they belong to. Armstrong argues that such question can be both totally ridiculous, and actually very important; which leads to beginning of the process of discovering â€Å"who you are.†Furthermore, she describes the fictional subculture that you chose for your escape; within your chosen subgenre you don’t have to pretend to be different, and people understand you. In other words, your chosen subgenre is your place of escape, it is the place where acceptance and freedom is present. Besides, the fact of looking for a hidey-hole, she informs us with a life changing situation at the age of 16 years old. She describes the experience as being life changing, the kids she came across were simultaneously were role-playing and professing as being someone which they weren’t part of. Consequently, Armstrong used that moment to adapt to new change, which she describes as â€Å"not dressing up or being normal again.†She describes herself looking like a punk one day with a spiked collar, a crushed-velvet mini skirt the another day. Thus, for that reason she couldn’t fit in with honor students, nor the art kids. She couldn’t fit in with the honor student because for them she was too weird, but for the art kids she couldn’t draw. For this reason, she went from being a straight-A student to a what she describes a poser. Furthermore, Armstrong arguesShow MoreRelatedThe Practice Of Medicine Is A Human Being1195 Words  | 5 PagesA patient is a human being. Illness disturbs biological, social, psychological elements that make the patient human. It is not enough to centre and diagnoses and decisions on scientific data and empirical fact; medicine is about much more. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Sales Plan For A Knitted Kindergarten Sweater †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Sales Plan For A Knitted Kindergarten Sweater. Answer: Sales Plan for a knitted kindergarten sweater Sales planning is a vital process in managing sales in any firm. Proper planning has to be put in place to ensure a blue print of sales process is understood by everyone else that is involved in the production and sales ("Dow Chemical 2Q 2011: Performance Product sales", 2011). It acts like a guide to the salesmanagement team because it states what is to be done in order to achieve the required goals (Hultink, Atuahene-Gima, 2000). Goal To improve sales between $1000 in January 2017 to $2000 in January 2018 Expand the current stock from $1.2m to $2.0 in the next 3 years Target Existing and new customers with kids that are yet to join kindergartens Parents wishing to transfer their kids from their old schools to new schools Those who live and reside within and outside town Parents with flexible schedules and can visit the shop anytime New privately established schools that have been started in and outside town Parents who may not afford exported clothes Different ages of kids are taken care of. Kids from different kindergartens (Different school uniforms) Strategies Reward those who buy three sweaters with free windbreaker Those who purchase in the first one week of re-opening of schools will be given the gift of a dozen of exercise books. Arrange and campaign for a knitting competition to look for talented people who can do good knitting. Provide for playing kits and ground for those parents who will visit the shops with their kids. Carry out door-to-door sales to help reach all the customers. Provide an ample parking area for parents with cars so that they do not pay for parking space when they come to buy our products. Tactics Channels: Will reach potential customers through their website, blog, social media like Facebook and WhatsApp group (Fu, Jones, Bolander, 2008) We will also put signposts at strategic places where our customers can get to know what exactly we are dealing with. We will print cards, flyers, and publications to inform the potential customers and the general public that we are the best in knitting sweaters for the kids. Park products in the most attractive bags that can also be used as shopping bags. Calendar We will request customers to take group photos during the time they are doing purchasing; these photos may be used as a reminder. Photos can also be posted on Facebook and Tweeter during the target time. We will come up with a monthly promotion schedule to promote the product and create awareness of the same (Moss, 2014) We will distribute postcards and flyers at least twice after 3 weeks. Carry out a competition in schools at least once per month Do door- to- door sales every Friday of the week for the first 3 weeks of every month. References Dow Chemical 2Q 2011: Performance Product sales. (2011). Focus On Surfactants, 2011(10), 6-7. Fu, F., Jones, E., Bolander, W. (2008). Product Innovativeness, Customer Newness, and New Product Performance: A Time-Lagged Examination of the Impact of Salesperson Selling Intentions on New Product Performance. Journal Of Personal Selling And Sales Management, 28(4), 351-364. Hultink, E., Atuahene-Gima, K. (2000). The Effect of Sales Force Adoption on New Product Selling Performance. Journal Of Product Innovation Management, 17(6), 435-450. Moss, C. (2014). Industrial Sales Forces Their Role in Product Planning and Development. Marketing Intelligence Planning, 1(1), 56-66.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Western colonialism Essay Example
Western colonialism Essay A lot of negative effects caused by Western colonialism and capitalism in the third world countries that have contributed to their current political and economic crises have been discussed; however, the main objective of this presentation is to discuss the progressive role played by Western colonialism and capitalism in the third world countries when contrasted with pre-colonial period and where they were left by their colonial masters to present date. Colonialism Colonialism refers to as a system whereby a state holds sovereignty over territory and people who are outside its own boundaries. It assumes the right of one people to impose their will to others. Between nineteenth and twentieth centuries, most rich and powerful states in the European countries such as Britain did own third world colonies. Up-to-date, the legitimacy of colonialism by European countries to these third world countries has elicited a heated debate in political arena and among the moral philosophers all over the world. Colonialism is not a new phenomenon. In the past society used to expand to immediate territories and settling it own natives on the newly conquered land. Such example includes the ancient Greeks, Romans and Ottomans to mention but a few. We will write a custom essay sample on Western colonialism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Western colonialism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Western colonialism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer But it is evident that colonialism was not static but evolving due to technological advancements particularly in navigation that enabled connecting to the remotest parts of the world. Invention of the fast sailing ships facilitated reaching the distant ports in other side of the world while managing to maintain closer ties between the mother land of the master colonialism and their colonial territories. Therefore, the modern European colonialism materialized when it was possible to move large number of people across the ocean and maintain political sovereignty regardless of geographical scatteredness. Many political theorists have troubled themselves in attempt to reconcile ideas about the justice and law with the practice with which European ruled over the third world countries. In nineteenth century, conflict emerged that made tension to build up between the proponents of liberal thought and colonial practice. Many of political philosophers stood to defend the principles of attainments of universalism and equity while on the other hand they were antagonistic in bid to legitimize colonialism and imperialism. They reconciled this controversy with idea that, there was a need for ‘civilization mission’ which was to be for temporal period of what they called political dependence that was vital so that to make ‘uncivilized’ societies to advance in a state of achieving sustainable liberal institutions and self government. Capitalism Capitalism refers to European practices that not only include social practices that are easily practiced over geographical and historical distances but also encompass the ‘way of thinking’. The term capitalist has been widely used in the Marxist theory which refers to means of production that are on the hands of a few and operated for making profit and that the benefits realized from the production belong to the owners of the means of production. Mercantilism was the earliest form of capitalist in the olden days that originated in the Middle East, Rome and also existed during early Middle Age. It involved distribution of goods in the transactions in such way that there is profit making. In this situation, goods were bought from one place and move to another site to be sold at relatively higher prices. Beside Romans, Arabic cultures were also known of mercantilism. They had a long history on their trade routes in their major empires. Medieval Europeans learnt learned about this type of economy from their Islamic neighbors as it has been noticed in large number of economic terms found in European languages some which are derivatives from Arabic. Gradually, mercantilism in Europe evolved into economic practices that were eventually referred to as capitalism. Capitalism employs the same principle as mercantilism that involves large scale profit realization by acquisition of goods at lower price than selling them at a profit. Capitalism is characterized by several features. First, there is accumulation of means of the production such as materials, land and tools by minority of people. This property accumulation is referred to as capital and the owners of these means of production are known as capitalists. The second characteristic of capitalism is productive labor. Human work is of great importance because it facilitates the production of goods and their distribution. This happens in form of the wage labor. The striking aspects of wage labor here is that it is not invested in the product and it is considered to be efficient in terms of productivity. Capitalism boosts individual productivity by means of division of labor whereby productive labor is divided into smallest components possible. In capitalism, the means of production and labor is manipulated by the capitalist by use of rational circulation to gain profit. On the other hand, capitalism as a way of thinking is basically individualistic. This is true because it focuses on capitalist endeavor. This bring out the Enlightenment concepts of individuality in that all the individuals are not the same; the society is composed of individual in pursuit of their own interest and that they should be free to peruse their own interests, that is ,economic freedom. Also, this concept advocates for democratic sense in that individuals perusing their own interests can guarantee the interests of the whole society. Therefore, Enlightenment idea of progress is grounded on the fact that the large-scale social goal of unregulated capitalism can produce wealth and make the national economy wealthier and more affluent than it would otherwise have not been. So, essentially, capitalism as a way of thinking is built on the concept of economic growth (Friedman Friedman, pp5). While this may be true, capitalism has been having a close link with adverse effects of human inequality and valorization that has characterized exploitation of one or more groups by others. It has been argued that capitalist relations evoke alienation of workers from the products they make. This makes both commodities and the workers circulating commodities that circulate in the expanding market. When the laborers are considered to be interchangeable, it becomes the interest of the capitalist to give workers low wage or no wage at all. By doing this, capitalists are able to create surplus of money from their capital invested meanwhile their commodities circulate in the market. Because human beings were one of the vital commodities for success in early capitalism, enslaved workers could be shipped between the colonial territories to the help in monocropping on the large plantations. Presently, capitalist is usually understood to be a mean of system whereby the allocation of resources is by dictates of mechanism of the markets that are driven by profit motive. The advantages of the capitalism are that the government does not interfere with the business because there is limited control over it and that people have choice on what they want to do and where. Also, people are at liberty to do what they want with their money. However, this mode of economy has negative outcomes. Because the government is required to liberalize the market it has limited control over it and this can make few businesses to take monopoly which may lead to inefficiencies.    In addition to this, capitalism only reward those who are fortunate to have natural scare abilities and not necessarily as result of hard work and this lead to huge inequities in income and wealth. The Progressive role of Western colonialism and capitalism in Third world Even though colonialism and capitalism had its own shortcomings, nevertheless, there is also a positive effect on balance we can talk about. Before colonialism, Africa only knew of socialism which was widely practiced among different communities.  Socialism is a system that advocates for collective ownership and management of the means of production and distribution of goods. It is the opposite of capitalism which is a system hereby economy is based on private ownership of the means of production and personal profit can be realized through capital investment and employment of labor. Colonialism brought a new idea to Africa that the material progress and prosperity were possible for the masses of people. Africans in pre-colonial period did not imagine that could ever happen. They assumed that the material possessions they had were fixed. They believed in such things like plenty of the harvest could result to increase of food in the basket but the idea that living conditions could be changed was strange to them. They did not have a clue of the prospect that instead of trekking for miles in search of water it was possible to have piped water homes. Colonialism brought idea of progress in humanity. They enabled them to realize that people have capability to improve their condition of existence and that tomorrow could be much better that today (Ondeng, pp 26). Development of Infrastructure When colonialism stepped into sub-Saharan Africa three main objectives were the driving force. First objective was to meet the increasing demand of the raw materials for their industries. Second objective was to be able to secure areas and their territories that could form the market for their industrial goods produced by the capitalisms as it was are of industrial evolution. The last objective was that, they wanted to identify and dominate certain strategic areas that would be their future potential region for their investments. Therefore, as it can be seen, the main aim of capitalism expansion through colonialism was purely economic. But it was first necessary through political process of colonialism to create colonial territories to be able to achieve economic goals. Establishment of colonial territories was immediately followed by setting out diversified changes that included both social and economic among subdued societies in order to fulfill economic targets. This called for breaking down the already existed social and political system which resulted in replacement of traditional chiefdoms and kingdoms by Western European political system and consolidation of colonial state. Greater portions of fertile lands were given to settler farmers who produced non-agricultural raw materials for western industries. In order to make this kind of economy efficient, there was a dire need to establish  communication infrastructure such roads, railway lines and ports so that there can be a linkage between hinterland and coastal to facilitate securing resources and human labor. In such regions only footpaths did exist that were used by human porters and animal. Most of the roads and railway network seen today in many parts of African countries speaks of a positive legacy from Western colonialism and capitalist in Africa and other third world countries. A good example of such country is Nigeria. In pre-colonial period, transport systems were limited to porterage over the land that was only utilized by animal and humans and small boats in waterways that are in southern and central Nigeria. In states of Nigeria, there were extensive trade routes in its territories which also facilitated movement of goods across the deserts to trade with North Africa and extended to the coast that involved trade with European. The roads were maintained by local leaders using hired labor or conscripted locals on the basis of the age. During this period the basic means of transport were pack animals and human porters. When British claimed Nigeria to be its colony, is started building transport network that would make efficient its ruling over this territory and make easier utilization of the resources in the region. It started with construction of the roads which was later followed by railway lines construction. This facilitated movement of good and people from one place to another as the need demanded which was critical as it helped to maintain strong economic and political ties within its territory. Since Nigeria gained independence there has been little in building new infrastructure network apart from what was established by their colonial master. This has been so because the Civilian governments had experiencing budgetary deficit and their priorities were to maintain regional divisions rather than improving transportation network and building better one in accordance modern world technology. However, while some few military governments were interested in development of better transport system, this turned to be a day dream. Therefore, post-colonial transport systems currently existing are just minimal maintenance of the infrastructure which their colonial master had set. This is a clear indication of the progressive role the Western colonialism and capitalism did play in Nigeria before they had left (Husher, para. 4-9). Suppression of barbaric practices Colonialism brought enlightenment in Africa. During pre-colonial period some African countries cannibalism and pagan worship was common practices. Practices such as cannibalism were usually restricted to specific regions particularly in West Africa. Such practices were not necessarily driven by craves for human flesh but were basically for rituals and sacrifices. The belief behind these practices of man eating were to receive imbibe magic strength that was considered to be transferred by through soul material. This soul material was particularly identified by certain body part of the victim particularly the head. In the community that practiced such behavior they had a belief that if a young man ate the elder, such individual could get wisdom or if it was an elder who ate a young victim this could have added vigor. African had a strong attachment with the dead. In fact, cannibalism in Africa was part of religious act that consisted of complex rules that actually prescribed who should partake of the human flesh and who is supposed to be eaten and also clearly spelt out which part were to be eaten. It also described what parts of the victim’s body were to be kept as part of relics. There were other instances where medicines were made out of the human flesh. For instance, in Leopard societies in Sierra Leone, they used human entails to make certain kind of medicines. When the Sierra Leone became a British colony, the first thing they did was to bring to an end this practice. First, the British investigated what was happening in the jungle. When it had a breakthrough in its investigations to address this extraordinary killing of human beings, it passed a bill which was called ‘The Leopard Ordonance’. This outlawed any possession of a leopard skin that were usually worn by these people who practiced these rituals, a three- pronged knife and a special native medicine called Borfina that constituted a concoction of human flesh such as fat and blood. It was potent in the hand of its owner as it was believed to help one to be powerful and rich .Through use of law and assimilation of European culture Africans experienced a transformation that played a great role in liberating them from such practices. This helped to uphold human dignity and universal human rights particularly right to life (Karoline, para. 7-14). Modern medicine As many of colonial powers embarked on a political project to control much of the world, diseases were the major obstacles for their expansion particularly in African continent. Tropical diseases such as malaria among others posed great challenge because there was no efficient form of medical treatment that existed in African land before except traditional medicine. Many African had a belief that disease was as result of witchcraft or evil spirits as opposed to empirical approach in treatment and management of the disease by European countries .This necessitated them to have attachment of medical personnel to commercial marines and putting up of rudimentary hospital facilities at their colonial territories. A good example is development of medical care in Tanzania. Christian missionaries were the first to introduce allopathic medicine in the territory. Eventually the colonial master in Tanzania assumed the responsibility of providing the health care to serve the army garrison that was stationed in the region partly to counter indigenous resistance and also to provide health care to European settlers. In British colonies they promoted establishment of the London and Liverpool schools of medicine where the study of tropical disease such as those found in the region was given the first priority. After World War 1, Tanzania became a British colony and it assumed the control of colonial medical care where it provided medical care at provincial and district administration levels, voluntary services that involved missions and employer-based that catered for the medical needs at plantations, mines and factories. They also implemented preventative measures that were in form of public health programs. This greatly helped to address the health needs of African that never existed before. It is on the basis of these colonial efforts to address tropical diseases which were a threat to their lives helped to see African countries with improved health care and reduced mortality rate from fatal tropical diseases (Baer, Singer and Susser, pp 18-22). Conclusion Colonialism by the Europe countries was considered to be a mission of civilization to the ‘uncivilized societies’ to be able to advance in state of achieving sustainable liberalized institutions and self government. However the legitimacy of colonialism by these European nations has always staged unsettled debate both in political sphere and with moral philosophers all over the world. Colonialism proved to be the only way through which West Europe could peruse their capitalism motives in the third world countries. Even though there have been shortcomings associated with colonial rule there has been an overall positive effect for Africa. Colonial rule brought enlightenment where ignorance did thrive. It helped to suppress barbaric practices such as pagan worship and cannibalism among others. It laid the seeds of the intellectual and material development as seen through infrastructure development, formal education and modern medicine that saved many Africans lives from deadly tropical diseases that were considered to be caused by witchcraft. Also it helped to reduce the economic gap whereby integration of colonies into international capitalist economy ushered in initial stages of globalization.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Military Sealift Command (MSC)
Military Sealift Command (MSC) External factors affecting MSC environment Military Sealift Command had the following factors affecting the external environment of the organization: their perceived opponents who tried to deny them access and even make it harder for them to access the global ports and sea-lanes that were sabotaging access challenges affecting the organization as the US navy who were to conduct their business around.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Military Sealift Command (MSC) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This freedom of access is very important to the global economy as it facilitates the movement of resources as well as the growth of trade. The decline of the overseas military presence will be quite uneconomical, as it will require more military forces to protect US interests since they will be forced to move further into the sea. They also faced infrastructure challenges as it had poor infrastructure development in most areas where the US has future interests is likely to hinder their future operations (Barney, 2007. p 65). These areas lack seaports and airports as well as poor road networks. These areas also have severe water shortages as well as few or no electrical and sewerage services. These shortages directly hinder the deployment of military forces by the US and her partners as well as in response to humanitarian aid. The other factor of the organization that affected the US military include the type of technology used even though the advancement of information and communication technology has proved to be beneficial, it can also be dangerous especially in the military field. While the US military has advanced in technology, their perceived opponents and enemies may also gain access to these same technologies and may use them to cause an attack, disrupt or even degrade the US military communications and the flow of information. Investment in technology has also proved to be expensive and one must choose carefully due to its cost, the training expenses as well as their key objective, which is to gain total efficiency. Getting good and efficient software for both financial as well as other decisions making such as AHP that was difficult and quite expensive (Mintzberg at el, 2004. p 152). The other external environmental factor is the government policies with the current financial crisis; the US government has a huge budget deficit that has affected several government operations including the military operations.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According the US Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, the American government should put more emphasis on the military spending and adjust its priorities to address the increasingly changing threats from its enemies and world. The threats include; the terrorists, rising powers as well as the rogue nations who are determ ined to harm the US. These opponents have realized that they cannot confront the US directly on military grounds, so they are trying other possible options. This dominance is not perceived well by the US enemies and may do anything they can to jeopardize the military operations. This is the reason why the American government, should invest in programs, personnel as well as platforms that will guarantee her continued dominance. Since the end of the Cold War, the US Navy has shrunk but its battle fleet is still larger the next thirteen navies combined with eleven of those being the allies of US. The strategic planning on the future trends of challenges faced with the energy resources with the rising use of more fossil fuels by the emerging economies like China and India, there is a lot of pressure on the world’s energy resources (Barney, 2007. p 65). There is a need for the use of alternative sources of energy by the US military. These changes require huge capital use, changes in political attitudes by world leaders towards the use of nuclear energy as well as the dramatic changes in technology. Internal strength and weakness in the organization SWOT analysis involves strength and weaknesses of an organization are interior factors that affect a company business. The main strengths of MSC are that they have highly trained workforce, quality as well as safety management system focused. MSC Resources in the Military Sealift Command currently operates about 111 non-combatant, civilian-crewed ships across the globe. The MSC also has approximately fifty military ships on standby and are ready for military use. The Headquarter of Military Sealift Command is in Washington, D.C with branches across the country. It has about 8,000 employees, both military and civilian. MSC get its finances from two main sources, i.e. the transportation working capital and the navy working capital fund. Each one of these funds has different functions. The purpose of the Transport wo rking capital is to finance the operation of the sealift services whereas the main purpose of the navy working capital fund is to support the navy force and operations as well as other military entities. Though MSC gets its funding from these two sources, it does not get funding from its command operations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Military Sealift Command (MSC) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, it obtains finances from the money transfers its customers transfer into the working capital funds. These are the finances the MSC uses to finance its command operations. Since MSC is not a profit- making organization, they do not budget to make profits but instead their working capital funds budget to break-even. The company had the following weaknesses: it was slow in the hiring process of CIVMAR and the shore employees. MSC and the Navy component to USTRANSCOM which provides approximately 30 ships and crews daily to support operations in force sustainment, delivery of the combat equipments, fuel, vehicles, ammunition as well as the ammunitions to the US forces around the world in times of war and peace (Mintzberg at el, 2003. p 152). Sometimes MSC are involved in the misappropriation of funds. Since the MSC is involved in administration and one of their core objectives is administrate the scarce resources efficiently with the aim of saving funds. At times the military personnel concentrates on completing the mission and may lead to making fast in appropriate decisions in order to complete these missions lead to bad financial decisions. Personnel in the military usually have a turnover after every three years, this puts them under a lot of pressure in their careers like the need for promotions, evaluations and other penalties that civilians do not have. The military personnel face dilemmas between choosing between careers and professional interests when they are involved in decision-ma king processes. The MSC’s workforce is approximately 9,000 employees across the globe, with about 80 percent of the working at the sea. The majority of these workers are mariners who work for the civil service in their respective federal governments. Other employees work for private firms as commercial mariners, and other members of the reserve military. The civilians, unlike the US Naval ships that are operated by the military personnel, operate all the MSC ships.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Even though the MSC ships are operated by civilians, they may be involves in the military operation in moments of war by carrying military supplies as well as carrying communication equipments. They are able to do this because some of their ships have small military departments that are designed to carry out these operations. Contingency plan Contingency planning is defined as the method used in developing or inventing other plans to be used in solving risks that may occur in the organization. Contingency have the following advantages when properly planned within the company include: helps the company to prosper as it tackle any risk that may occur in the company, they will help in correcting risks and make decision making faster, company will be able to tackle more response faster and enables top managers to tackle the possible outcome before occurring. Strategic planning The main objective of strategic planning is understanding the advantages of strategic planning: include the und erstanding of product strategic planning, and knowing the process of planning and implementation. One of the best alternative strategies the MSC should adopt is creating an entrepreneurial strategy (Pearce Robinson, 2004. p 34). This will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency in its operations as well as the extensive use of the business management methods and strategies in its operations. The knowledge and methods of business management are very essential in the implementation of its functions, i.e. service and administrative functions. Another important alternative that the MSC should adopt is to use the external resources such as outsourcing services that focus on definite areas. This will help MSC in saving the funds that would have been used in the regulations, training, and providing benefits to its employees unlike in the case of employees under contract. Evaluation of the distribution of its employees such as the military employees versus the civilian employees is also a very vita alternative. The military workforce is quite expensive since a lot of money is required to provide all the turnover period of about three years. Delinking the Strategy and Decision-making policy from the Provision of services is also another good alternative. This strategy is sometimes known as separating â€Å"steering from rowing†. The separation of strategy and decision-making policy from the provision of services is enhanced through devolution. Top managers are therefore advised to put their effort and focus on the decision-making, leadership as well as in strategic management and leaving other employees to offer the services. Keys to successful implementation Functional-level strategies are the best grand strategy considering its nature and operations. These strategies involve coordinating the functional areas of an organization. These functional areas are human resources; marketing; production; finance as well as research and development. The purpose of coord inating these functional areas is to ensure that each one maintains and contributes to entity- level strategies as well as the overall corporate-level strategies. Every business within the corporate range are concerned with coordinating different operations either in designing, delivering, developing or even in sustaining manufactured products (Barney, 2007. p 65). Corporate strategies have several functions, but the major ones include the use of professionals in practical areas to produce the best results, to integrate an activity that involves research in operations, coordinating, processes, and future trends. Including resources, control of inventories, purchasing, and shipping. By also assuring that, the functional strategies integrate with the business level and corporate strategies. References Barney, J. B. (2007). Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Mintzberg, H., Ghoshal S., Lampel J., Quinn J. (2003). The strategy pr ocess Concepts, and cases. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Pearce, J., A., Robinson B. (2004). Strategic management: Formulation, Implementation and control. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Stoichiometry Definition in Chemistry
Stoichiometry Definition in Chemistry Stoichiometry is one of the most important subjects in general chemistry. It is typically introduced after discussing parts of the atom and unit conversions. While its not difficult, many students get put off by the complicated-sounding word. For this reason, it may be introduced as Mass Relations. StoichiometryDefinition Stoichiometry is the study of the quantitative relationships or ratios between two or more substances undergoing a physical change or chemical change (chemical reaction). The word derives from the Greek words: stoicheion (meaning element) and metron (meaning to measure). Most often, stoichiometry calculations deal with the mass or volumes of products and reactants. Pronunciation Pronounce stoichiometry as stoy-kee-ah-met-tree or abbreviate it as stoyk. What Is Stoichiometry? Jeremias Benjaim Richter defined stoichiometry in 1792 as the science of measuring quantities or mass ratios of chemical elements. You might be given a chemical equation and the mass of one reactant or product and asked to determine the quantity of another reactant or product in the equation. Or, you might be given the quantities of reactants and products and asked to write the balanced equation that fits the math. Important Concepts in Stoichiometry You must master the following chemistry concepts to solve stoichiometry problems: Balancing equationsConverting between grams and molesCalculating molar massCalculating mole ratios Remember, stoichiometry is the study of mass relations. To master it, you need to be comfortable with unit conversions and balancing equations. From there, the focus is on mole relationships between reactants and products in a chemical reaction. Mass-Mass Stoichiometry Problem One of the most common types of chemistry problems youll use stoichiometry to solve is the mass-mass problem. Here are the steps to solve a mass-mass problem: Correctly identify the problem as a mass-mass problem. Usually youre given a chemical equation, like:A 2B → CMost often, the question is a word problem, such as:Assume 10.0 grams of A reacts completely with B. How many grams of C will be produced?Balance the chemical equation. Make certain you have the same number of each type of atom on both the reactants and products side of the arrow in the equation. In other words, apply the Law of Conservation of Mass.Convert any mass values in the problem into moles. Use the molar mass to do this.Use molar proportion to determine unknown quantities of moles. Do this by setting two molar ratios equal to each other, with the unknown as the only value to solve.Convert the mole value you just found into mass, using the molar mass of that substance. Excess Reactant, Limiting Reactant, and Theoretical Yield Because atoms, molecules, and ions react with each other according to molar ratios, youll also encounter stoichiometry problems that ask you to identify the limiting reactant or any reactant that is present in excess. Once you know how many moles of each reactant you have, you compare this ratio to the ratio required to complete the reaction. The limiting reactant would be used up before the other reactant, while the excess reactant would be the one leftover after the reaction proceeded. Since the limiting reactant defines exactly how much of each reactant actually participates in a reaction, stoichiometry is used to determine theoretical yield. This is how much product can be formed if the reaction uses all of the limiting reactant and proceeds to completion. The value is determined using the molar ratio between the amount of limiting reactant and product.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Egyptian Mythology, Egyptians and Tanakh Creations Story Essay - 6
Egyptian Mythology, Egyptians and Tanakh Creations Story - Essay Example The creation stories in the Tanakh and Egyptians epic are similar in that all things were created by the deity conceiving something and pronouncing it by his tongue. The creation stories are also different. The creation stories in the Tanakh have only one Supreme Being, who creates everything. But in the Egyptian and Mesopotamia creation epics, there are many gods, and they are struggling against each other. In the Mesopotamians epic, the opposing force (Tiamat) is destroyed through war but in the Tanakh, the opposing force is not destroyed but cursed. In the Egyptians epic story, the deity is represented by nature like the cloud, sun, earth, sky, etc. But in the Tanakh, God is beyond nature and creation, and He is not part of creation. Biblically, a covenant refers to an agreement between God and His people. God makes promises which He faithfully fulfills if the people abide by the conditions set in the covenant. In the creation, God created Adam and gave him dominion over the earth on the condition that He will not eat the tree of Knowledge of good and evil(Gen 2:17). But Adam disobeyed and ate the fruit and hence broke the covenant and, as a result, was cursed and cast out of Eden. Later on, the world became very corrupt, and God decided to destroy the whole earth by water but saved Noah and his household (Gen 6:7-8). After the Flood had receded, God made a covenant with Noah that God will never again destroy the world by water. After the flood, the people came together and decided to build the tower of Babel that was to reach the sky (Gen 11:3-4). God come and confused the people with different languages, and they were scattered (Gen 11:8). God desired to save man, and He called Abraham so that through Him, the man could come into a relationship with God (Gen 17:1-8). Abraham was to live faithfully and blameless before God. Israelites were not only a people of the covenant but also a political community. The captives of Judah were allowed to return to Jerusalem by Cyrus, King of Persia in his first year of rule. Ezra and Nehemiah record the reconstitution of the nation of Judah through the rebuilding of the temple.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Capital Punishment in America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Capital Punishment in America - Research Paper Example Deterrence is regarded as a means of discouraging individuals from engagement in criminal activities. This involves illustrating to offenders that harsh consequences would result for their criminal actions. Such consequences include one being imprisoned. As such, deterrence illustrates that punishment should be provided as a consequence of crime. Since human beings are rational, contemplation of the severity and consequences of punishment would deter people from temptations of engaging in criminal activities. This validates the use of deterrence as the means of punishment for criminal activities in society. On the other hand, retribution indicates an action of repairing or repaying something as price of criminal activities of an individual. Such a punishment makes an individual develop individual responsibility towards social structures and â€Å"keep off†criminal activities. As such, the most effective means of deterring crime is retribution. This is because an individual is subject to payment of the criminal acts. This acts as an effective means of making an individual not to engage in criminal activities. This type of punishment is more significant in cases where the individual commits a crime for the first time than in cases of subsequent crimes. The American society believes in punishment as a consequence of criminal activities. This depicts that people are aware of what kind of punishment they may receive in case they engage in criminal activities. Moreover, retribution provides a means of punishment, which depends on the degree of the crime committed by an individual. Therefore, the punishment administered to the criminal is equivalent to the crime committed and the criminal does not receive excessive or less punishment in comparison to the magnitude of the crime committed. However, in situations where an individual is engaged in multiple crimes and retribution does not prove effective. Such an individual should be subjected to rehabilitation for m of punishment. This is because this form of punishment allows effective cross-examination of the psychological needs and reactions of an individual, which could be the factors, which makes such an individual to engage in criminal activities. After such a cross-examination, an individual is guided under a controlled environment, which allows consistent monitoring of behavior of an individual. This leads to a change in the conduct of an individual in society. Furthermore, rehabilitation provides an opportunity of offering moral education to an individual who is engaged in criminal activities. This may also include provision of vocation training, which equips an individual with skills, which would keep such an individual from engagement in criminal activities, in society. Deterrence is not an effective means of punishment since it leads to the development of fear among individuals, which impacts the decision-making process of individuals in society (Lund, 2002). As such, using deterr ence as a form of punishment would create an American society, which is composed of an element of fear.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Macro and Micro Environmental Factors Essay Example for Free
Macro and Micro Environmental Factors Essay There are many other products to choose in the soft drink market include Pepsi Co product , the different is those products are cheaper than Gatorade * In order to attract more customers, Gatorade has improved its product quality and spent lots of money on advertising. -Selling products Gatorade mostly is the imported product so most distributor afraid that they can’t sell Gatorade because of Gatorade price * Gatorade has increased the supplier’s commission. -Publics: The customers in the last 1 year with the developing of VN economic has begun to care about their health lately. Many sport center, fitness club, etc†¦ has been opened in the last 15 years. * The big, potential market for energy beverage drink such as Gatorade to grow. As the result, Pepsi has built up many small, convenient store around those places. * Advertising and promoting trough sport events. Gatorade is also focus on McKinsey’s structure include: structure, strategy, and skill, staff, and style, system and share value. + Style: Gatorade is one of the company which have style. It helps Pepsi too adopted to changes so it can reach and fix it quickly. + Strategy: Improve the sport drink market in VN * Improve both product quality and price * Has an production line in VN with cheap resources and good materials but still guarantee the quality. So as to compete, Pepsi has advertised its product a lot and had various surveys to research what their consumer’s needs and produce healthy products are. Macro environment -Political : VN has been the 150th member of WTO so it has attracted many big investors all over the world. The government has supported many enterprises and business investments by changing to the international law, this has led to more active business action which the consumers can approach to the local products and costumers can have more choice within all the global products too. * Pepsi Co considered about importing more Gatorade in each trip to reduce to price and earn more revenue or adding no more product. -Technology: Consumers now mostly pay all the products by credit, master or visa card which allows company to narrow the distance between producer and buyer. gt; It invests not only in one country but open up many branches all over the world and there must be decision whether to use capital for hiring staff, advertising the product, etc†¦. or not Economics environment: The average income of a Vietnamese is affected by inflation and economic ciao. So, the number of selling product s are also decrease. Pepsi has made a decision to having more and more promotion, and held lots of social event to refresh the consumer’s comments about the company to set up a good new one. Environment: The environment issue in VN is becoming more and more serious. This problem is can’t be avoid in developing country. It’s the result of industrialize and modernization. To reduce pollution government has set up a law in order to protect the environment. Even though, Vietnamese’s awareness isn’t as high as other country but the law has been enforced a great punishment to those who pollute the environment. * This make Pepsi spent lots of money in buy new green-facilities , and providing the idea of protecting the nvironment to not only their staff but also their customers. Both help to protect the environment and stil l promote Pepsi good fame. Bargaining Power of Supplier: the soft drink market in VN and foreign isn’t the exclusive market. Bargaining Power of Consumers: * Industries facing powerful buyers: Distributors have the power to negotiate with the company on price, product quality, as well as marketing policy. * Industries facing weak buyers : have little impact on the market, Each buyers will buy the products with different purposes. Some bought to sell, others for political purpose . Numbers of require products is too much for the producer to still keeping it product quality. So that, the pressure is heavy too Threat of entry: Gatorade has many competitors. Competition from substitutes: Gatorade should be change product when customer want and need, also price and quality. Competition between firms: Gatorade have many competitor in Vietnam. Gatorade should always pay attention to your competitors.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
American Dream in The Great Gatsby Essay example -- essays research pa
â€Å"The American Dream is invariably seen to fail. Discuss†The Great Gatsby           F. Scott Fitzgerald is seen as one of the greatest American writers, admired by his contemparies and by modern audiences of today. Fitzgerald was very much in tune with the early twentieth century American culture. He is credited with capturing the ‘Jazz Age’, which he described as â€Å"a generation grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken†. Fitzgerald observed the culture around him with a critical eye. Despite being able to depict America like few others could, many see Fitzgerald’s writing as an indictment on its values.      Works such as The Diamond as Big as the Ritz and Absolution (said by Fitzgerald to be an introduction to The Great Gatsby ) are regarded as attacks on the concept of the American Dream and that Fitzgerald believed it to be futile. This disillusionment is most starkly and tragically explored in The Great Gatsby.      The character of Jay Gatsby could be perceived as the embodiment of the American Dream. He comes from a poor working background, where he is James Gatz, and reinvents himself into the wealthy popular figure of Jay Gatsby. He represents the idea that â€Å"anybody can make it in America†.      After Gatsby’s death, his Father shows Nick his ‘schedule’ from when he was a boy; SCHEDULE Rise from bed                              6.00          A.M Dumbbell exercise and wall-scaling               6.15 – 6.30      â€Å" Study electricity, etc.                         7.15 – 8.15 â€Å" Work                                   8.30 – 4.30 P.M Baseball and sports         &nb... ...dreams – not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion.†The American Dream is simply that; a dream. Through the tragedy of Gatsby, Fitzgerald shows us what happens when fantasy and reality are brought together. Despite seemingly having everything, Gatsby has nothing. His material wealth cannot compensate for what he lacks emotionally. Like Jay Gatsby, the American Dream will always fail when it is shattered by reality. Bibliography Deborah L. Madsen, American Exceptionalism, Keele University Press, 1998 Leslie Fieldler, Love and Death in the American Novel (3rd Edition), Penguin, 1982 Thomas Stavoli, Scott Fitzgerald: Crisis in American Identity, Vision Press, 1979 Brian Way, F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Art of Social Fiction, Arnold, 1986 Neil Campbell and Alisdair Kean, American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture, Routledge, 1997 Ann Massa and Scott Donaldson, American Literature: Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Newton Abbot, 1978 Marius Bewley, The Eccentric Design: Form in the Classic American Novel, Columbia University Press, 1959 F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1993
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Explanation of Hamlet’s Mystery (by: Ernest Jones)
pg. 101: Explanation of Hamlet's Mystery by Ernest Jones Much as he hates him, he can never denounce him with the ardent indignation that boils straight from his blood when he reproaches his mother, for the more vigorously he denounces his uncle the more powerfully does he stimulate to activity his own unconscious and â€Å"repressed†complexes. He is there- fore in a dilemma between on the one hand allowing his natural detestation of his uncle to have free play, a consum- mation which would make him aware of his own horrible ishes, and on the other ignoring the imperative call for ven- geance that his obvious duty demands. He must either realise his own evil in denouncing his uncle's, or strive to ignore, to condone and if possible even to forget the latter in continuing to â€Å"repress†the former; his moral fate is bound up with his uncle's for good or ill. The call of duty to slay his uncle cannot be obeyed because it links itself with the call of his nature to sla y his mother's husband, whether this is the first or the second; the latter call is strongly â€Å"repressed,†and therefore necessarily the former also.It is no mere chance that he says of himself that he is prompted to the revenge â€Å"by heaven and hell,†though the true significance of the expres- sion of course quite escapes him. Hamlet's dammed-up feeling finds a partial vent in other directions, the natural one being blocked. The petulant irascibility and explosive outbursts called forth by the vexa- tion of Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, and especially of Polo- nius, are evidently to be interpreted in this way, as also is in part the burning nature of his reproaches to his mother. In- deed towards the end of the interview with his mother the hought of her misconduct expresses itself in that almost physical disgust which is so often the manifestation of in- tensely â€Å"repressed†sexual feeling. â€Å"Let the bloat king tempt you again to bed; Pinch wa nton on your cheek; call you his mouse; And let him, for a pair of reechy kisses, Or paddling in your neck with his damn'd fingers, Make you to ravel all this matter out. †His attitude towards Polonius is highly instructive. Here the absence of family tie, and of other influences, enables him to indulge to a relatively unrestrained degree his hostility towards the prating and sententious dotard.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
An Academic Intervention Model
IntroductionThere is a societal division that lies at the bosom of Irish 2nd degree instruction. Students from deprived or lower socio-economic groups tend to rule in the vocational instruction sector while pupils from the higher societal strata seem to swerve towards voluntary instruction ( spiritual ) sector. In England, at the terminal of a kid ‘s primary instruction, normally at the age of 12-14 old ages the Eleven plus scrutiny is administered to pupils. The intent of the Eleven plus scrutiny is to prove a pupil ‘s ability to work out jobs utilizing verbal logical thinking, non-verbal logical thinking mathematics and English. The intent of this scrutiny is to find which type of school the pupil will go to on completion of their primary instruction: a grammar school, a secondary school, or a proficient school. In Ireland, the Primary Certificate scrutiny became mandatory for students in 6th criterion in 1943, dwelling of three written documents in Irish, English and a rithmetic. It was later abolished in 1967 go forthing no tantamount system of streaming. The patterned advance from primary school to secondary school in Ireland has its ain ( less overt ) choice procedure. The choice procedure is that of the parents and the pupils themselves make up one's minding which sort of secondary school they will go to. Second-level instruction in Ireland comprises of voluntary secondary, vocational, community and comprehensive schools. All of these schools offer the Certificate classs prescribed by the Department of Education and Science, enter their pupils for the same national scrutinies and are capable to review by the Department. The determination, hence, on which school to go to, is based on the community ‘s cultural perceptual experience of that peculiar school. There is a class-structured position of instruction which prevails really much within 2nd degree instruction. This category differentiation between the voluntary secondary school and the vocational secondary school is really prevailing. The division has a civilization which associates the more academically capable pupil with the voluntary secondary school and the less academic pupil to the vocational secondary school. A Brief History of Vocational Education in Ireland { In order to understand how this division is present today, when both schools operate the same class course of study, offering the Junior and Leaving Certificate scrutinies. We must look at the development of vocational instruction in Ireland since the late 19th century. } The Vocational Education Act of 1930 was the first major instruction enterprise of the so Irish Free State. Even today, this Act has a strong influence on the execution of current educational policy. The intent of the Act was to set up vocational instruction in Ireland that would offer â€Å" proficient and continuation instruction. †Vocational Education Committees were established in every county and the schools they ran were known as ‘technical schools. ‘ The proficient school offered an alternate to the more academically focussed course of study of the voluntary secondary schools. Up to 1967, the Primary Certificate was the recognized making awarded to pupils between the ages of 12 and 14 on completion of primary instruction. Today, the Eleven Plus continues to be in a more voluntary capacity but more as an entryway test into a specific group of schools, unlike in the yesteryear where it was compulsory in nature In 1924, the Intermediate and Leaving Certificate programmes were introduced into secondary instruction. The Intermediate Certificate test was taken by pupils after a three twelvemonth rhythm. Students so progressed to the Leaving Certificate, which was completed after a farther two old ages. The Leaving Certificate was and still is the choice trial used to derive entree to third flat instruction. In 1947, the biennial Group Certificate was introduced for the vocational schools. It included practical appraisals and teacher appraisals of the pupils ‘ work. This was really different from the single-exam Intermediate and Leaving Certificates. The intent of the Group Certificate was to fix pupils for the employment. Prior to the debut of the Group Certificate, pupils would hold left instruction without any formal making. The debut of the Group Certificate reinforced the societal differences between the two instruction sectors, the vocational and the academic. The practical component of the Group Certificate appraisals and scrutiny reinforced the perceptual experience of vocational instruction as being of a lower value than that of the academic voluntary secondary school. Writing about vocational instruction in Ireland in the 1950s, John Coolahan in his book Irish Education, History and Structure ( 1981, p103 ) has this to state about the Group Certificate: ‘ [ it ] aˆÂ ¦was of a terminal character with small or no transportation value to foster formal instruction. ‘ He goes on to admit the negative perceptual experience of the vocational system. Sean O'Connor in his book, Post-primary instruction: now and in the hereafter ( 1968 ) felt that by comparing to the Numberss go toing voluntary secondary schools that: A little figure of parents, by penchant, sent their kids to vocational schools-mainly in the midlands-so that they might gain the Group Certificate, which offered well-paid occupations in Bord na Mona and the ESB. Otherwise, parents with any aspiration for their kids did non utilize the vocational system. ( p.28 ) . The demand to turn to this instability resulted in the debut of the Intermediate and Leaving Certificate into vocational schools in 1966. The course of study was besides expanded to include topics such as Building Construction, Agriculture, Economics, Engineering and Business Organisation. Although this went some manner to turn to the educational disparity between the two instruction sectors, vocational instruction was still thought of as inferior by Irish societal attitudes in their rating of proficient instruction. The assignment of Donagh O'Malley in 1967, as Minister for Education, brought reform and important alterations to Irish instruction. He broadened entree with the debut of free second-level instruction. He abolished the Primary Certificate, which resulted in the stoping of the narrow focal point on the three Primary Certificate scrutiny topics of Irish, English and Arithmetic. The inaugural greatly increased pupil registration in 2nd degree instruction. In 1972, the school go forthing age was increased to fifteen. By the late eightiess, society ‘s demand for this signifier of proficient instruction refering to trades, industries, commercialism and physical preparation was altering. This was further emphasised in 1989 by the Department of Education who introduced the Junior Certificate into vocational schools. . The debut of the Junior Certificate into vocational schools addressed portion of the makings disparity between the two educational sectors. For the first clip since its enception vocational instruction had equal position at the Junior Cycle as the voluntary secondary schools. Unfortunately, the perceptual experience of vocational instruction as being of a â€Å" lower category †is still apparent even today. Irish societal attitudes still tend to tie in vocational instruction as manual and practical-type instruction. Middle-class parents see voluntary secondary instruction as more esteemed academic-type of instruction which they feel will basically take to their kid procuring greater chances at third-level instruction and finally a white-collar occupation. Vocational schools still make up a important per centum of secondary schools. Of the 730 2nd degree schools in the state, 250 are vocational schools, providing for 30 % of all 2nd degree pupils ( Department of Education and Science 2010 ) . New Section Roscommon Community School, antecedently called Roscommon Vocational School, was in world a low accomplishing school. Morale and outlooks among pupils and instructors and parents was low. The assignment of the current principal caused the attitude of pupils and instructors to better well. Through a series of alterations instigated by him through audience with the pupils, parents and instructors turn toing countries such as pupil subject, general housework: school uniform/appearance, prep, attending, promptness and general behavior, staff preparation, staff motive etc. order returned to the school bettering with it staff and pupil morale. The school has now reached a tableland, and an chance has been created so that the political relations of divisiveness has been neutralised. Staff now have the accomplishments, attitude, vision, and willingness to develop originative ways to learn more efficaciously, wise man and engage parents and better academic accomplishment of the school. New SECTION ( DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE CONCEPTS ) This thesis will try to place the factors that guarantee the effectual running of a school and look into how the â€Å" Academic Intervention Model †she developed, together with the staff and pupils, and the encouragement of parental engagement can develop societal interpersonal accomplishments, self-esteem, academic self-image, academic accomplishment and instructor, parent and pupil positions and attitudes. A schools ranking in the National League Tables is the flagstone of national and community perceptual experience of a school. It is a changeless challenge for a school to project itself in a positive visible radiation. School selling, good pupil classs and the figure of pupils come oning to third degree helps to maintain the pupil registration Numberss up. In the research survey, I will utilize my current topographic point of work as the ‘action research undertaking ‘ and will work with a group of 40 fifth and 6th twelvemonth pupils and their parents over a biennial period. Throughout the research the school will be known by the anonym of Fairhill Community School. Based on school records such as Leaving Certificate consequences, CAO, FAS and Job Applications it is apparent that the school does non bring forth many high accomplishing pupils. Alumnuss of the school would take up employment, apprenticeships or go to an institute of engineering and merely 5 % of pupils would procure a topographic point at university. The writer feels that an action research attack would outdo suit the research intended. Ernest Stringer states that: A cardinal premiss of community-based action research is that it commences with an involvement in the jobs of a group, a community, or an administration. Its intent is to help people in widening their apprehension of their state of affairs and therefore deciding jobs that confront them aˆÂ ¦ Community-based action research is ever enacted through an expressed set of societal values. In modern, democratic societal contexts, it is seen as a procedure of enquiry that has the undermentioned features: It is democratic, enabling the engagement of all people. It is just, admiting people ‘s equality of worth. It is emancipating, supplying freedom from oppressive, debilitating conditions. It is life heightening, enabling the look of people ‘s full human potency. ( Action Research, 1999, page 17 )
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Responsible is My Generation †English Essay
How Responsible is My Generation – English Essay Free Online Research Papers My generation is less responsible than my parents generation for many reasons. My generation is one of technology. It is a generation of Gameboys, Internet Browsers, graphing calculators and DVDs. My parents generation is a generation of self-motivation. It was one of walking places, writing out problems, and reading books. The advancements in technology have worked to make my generation lazy. The slightly primitive times of my elders, helped them build motivation within themselves and allowed them to build up a want to learn. A person of my generation may ask why he should learn the origin and meaning of a given problem when all he really needs to do is punch in a few buttons, hit enter, and copy the answer from a screen to paper. In my parents generaton, things were not made quite so easy. Instead of plugging in their problem on a calculator, they had to write out step by step, the formula to the problem, and thereafter thoroughly understand each step they made as they went along. . Most kids my age would rather get past level 4 of a Mortal Combat video game than learn about the fascinating concepts of calculus, and those not playing the game and actually doing their work, could care less about the concepts. Theyd rather just rememeber the steps to take on their TI-83 to get the good grade on the test. So, yeah, Id say that my generation is less responsible than my parents. For we try too hard to find machines and electronic tools that will work for us, than strengthening our only real essential tool- our mind. From the mind, stems many other tools that dont require being plugged in, or charged up. Effort, passion, motivation, these are what we are lacking that our parents generation found within themselves. In some cases, lack of resources inclines the mind to think. This seems very applicable when noticing the divergency of responsibility levels in my generation and my parents. Research Papers on How Responsible is My Generation - English EssayPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyStandardized TestingPETSTEL analysis of IndiaResearch Process Part OneAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfHip-Hop is ArtThe Hockey GameThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationGenetic Engineering
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How the Forest and Court Are Shown in As You Like It
How the Forest and Court Are Shown in As You Like It As You Like It is set in a forest, but it is difficult to be clear about the As You Like It setting. Some argue that it is the Forest of Arden that once surrounded Shakespeare’s hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon; others believe that the As You Like It setting is in Ardennes, France. Forest vs. Court The forest is presented in a more favorable light in that the â€Å"goodies†, Duke Senior and his court, reside there. All of the good characters in the court are banished or exiled to the forest at the start of the play. Duke Senior describes the court as â€Å"painted pomp†¦the envious court†. He goes on to say that in the forest the dangers are real but natural and are preferable to those in the court â€Å"The †¦churlish chiding of the winter’s wind†¦ even till I shrink with cold, I smile and say This is no flattery†(Act 2, Scene 1). He suggests the harsh conditions of the forest are preferable to the pomp and false flattery in the court: That at least in the forest, things are honest. This could be compared to the courtly love between Orlando and Rosalind and the bawdy, primitive but honest love between Touchstone and Audrey. There are also reflections of Robin Hood and his merry men in the lives of Duke Senior and his supporters: â€Å"†¦there they live like the old Robin Hood of England†(Charles; Act 1, Scene 1). This reinforces the positive depiction of the forest as opposed to the negative portrayal of the court. When the evil characters enter the forest they have a sudden change of heart as discussed – suggesting the forest has healing properties. There is, therefore, a sense of foreboding at the end of the play when the characters are to be restored to the court†¦we hope that they will bring some of the natural qualities of forest life with them when they return. In this, Shakespeare may be suggesting that there needs to be a balance between forest and court; living with nature and using your senses should be balanced with living in an ordered, political world where education and social politeness is necessary. If one is too close to nature they may turn out like Touchstone and Audrey but if they are too political, they may become more like Duke Frederick. Duke Senior has struck a happy balance – being educated and gentlemanly having the ability to manage people but also appreciating nature and its offerings. Class and Social Structures The struggle between forest and court also sheds light on the class struggle at the core of the play. Celia disguises her nobility to become a poor woman, Aliena, in the forest. She does this in order to protect herself, presumably from those who would try and steal from her. This gives her freedom she has never enjoyed. Oliver falls for her dressed as Aliena and we know as a result, that his motives are honorable – he is not after her money. This is important in that previously, Oliver’s motives have been questionable. Touchstone and Audrey are seen as more lowly characters but as discussed, are possibly perceived as more honest as a result, they are unable to social climb and therefore don’t need to flatter and lie their way to the top. Duke Senior is happier in the forest without the trappings of his dukedom. Shakespeare may be suggesting that just because you are considered to be ‘high class’ it is not necessarily reflected in your nature – or that in order to social climb one needs to lie and flatter and therefore people at the top of society are the worst kind of people. However, at the end of the play when the Duke is restored to the court we are led to believe that the court will be a better place, perhaps because he has witnessed firsthand what it is like to be poor. He is compared to Robin Hood and as such is considered ‘of the people.’
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Why artist exaggerate certain body parts and ignore others Essay
Why artist exaggerate certain body parts and ignore others - Essay Example The artists therefore study and understand the expectations of the audience and present themselves accordingly (Peirce, & Adrienne, 2005). Body parts that appeal to the audience are exaggerated to create an impression that the artist is the best fit for the particular context (Allan & Pease, 2006). For instance, female music artists exaggerate their hips and breasts and reduce their waist since the resultant image is perceived as sexy and appealing. On the other hand, male artists exaggerate their biceps and chests to depict strength and power. More notably, artists may exaggerate certain body parts in order to mimic previous renowned artists who were famous and favorite to the target audience. This way, they are able to create an impression that they are equally appealing and successful. However, artists may also exaggerate certain parts of their bodies in order to camouflage their weaknesses to avoid negative public perception. Whatever the reason for articulating body image, the ultimate result is to create a positive impression on the target
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Privacy - Essay Example This boundary erected by the individual is different for different persons concerned and can be altered depending upon the circumstance and the relationship with other party. An individual is at complete liberty to voluntarily sacrifice his personal privacy. This sacrifice is often associated with benefits in exchange. People who exercise steps to preserve their privacy expect other to respect it. That is why an individual’s right to be not subject to unauthorized privacy raid by anyone is part of numerous countries privacy law. In today’s world, an individual’s privacy is not completely in his own hands. This protection of privacy is also dependent upon the other people with whom the individual has shared his personal information. Any breach of confidence can easily result in loss of privacy i.e. access or knowledge of your personal information to an unauthorized person. Increasing use of technology in workplace has brought with it various benefits ranging from lower operating cost to increased efficiency. However, these benefits are not without side effects because rapidly increasing technology use has become a point of concern for employer and employee both. At a workplace, employers have access to personal information of the employees. How much access an employer has and how is a question of debate. Employers believe that it is necessary to collect this information through monitoring the employee’s activities to avoid liability and discourage illegitimate activities. Employers believe that their act of surveillance and monitoring of employing activities in the office is their right as it leads to reliable performance evaluation of employees, helps in guarding trade secrets etc. Employers have various methods for monitoring employees in the office. These method ranges from recording office telephone, video equipments and having technological admittance to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
COMBATING COMPASSION FATIGUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
COMBATING COMPASSION FATIGUE - Essay Example If the connection is prolonged, the practitioner develops compassion fatigue. Yoder (2010) describes compassion fatigue as a vice that minimizes the efficiency of the practitioner due to their increased connection with their duties. Moreover, compassion fatigue develops a nature in a practitioner that tends to ignore the requirements of the patient. The practitioner is overburdened with emotional and spiritual connections to a point that they do not feel the need to perform exemplarily in their position. 16% – 85% of health care workers in different fields suffer from compassion fatigue (Yoder, 2010). This describes the extent of the crisis in the industry. This paper will provide signs that depict signs of compassion fatigue. In addition, I will analyze the problems that may be caused and aid that may relieve caregivers. There are numerous signs that may depict compassion fatigue in a caregiver. Firstly, the performance of the practitioner deteriorates significantly. This is because the focus of the caregiver is shifted to address their emotional problems. Additionally, the caregiver does not concentrate on their work. This decreases their effectiveness to perform. Apart from physical signs, caregiver may suffer from psychological effects. For instance, they find it difficult to stop thinking about their patients and job. Walton & Alvarez (2010) is of the assumption that a caregiver should be able to have a life beyond their job description. A failure to achieve this depicts compassion fatigue. In other occasion, the caregiver becomes obsessed with their patients. In a worst case, of compassion fatigue, the caregiver has trouble sleeping. This is caused by memories and over thinking about their job and patients. Another sign is that the caregiver does not have the energy and will to work. In addition, they become less satisfied with their work. This
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Types of unemployment and their importance
Types of unemployment and their importance As a matter of fact, there are a lot of the meanings of unemployment. Generally, unemployment is a state of the people who are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for works. Moreover, we have two ways to express the amount of unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. Unemployment can be estimated as a rate of two numbers: amount of jobless people in labor force and total number of labor force. Claimant and Standardized are two means of estimating unemployment rates. However, collected information can be influenced by many factors: false claimants, demoralized work-seekers, part-time employees, and underground economy, etc. In a labor market, wages would adjust to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. There are two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. There are three types of disequilibrium unemployment: real wages unemployment, demand- deficient unemployment and growth in the labor supply. Demand deficient is one of the most factor which influences on the economy growth quickly because of the recession. The recession just happens in a short time but in fact, It will change many factors such as workers are difficult to get a job or the countrys GDP fall rapidly. Equilibrium unemployment has three types: Frictional unemployment that occurs as a result of imperfect information in the labor market. Structural unemployment arises from changes in the pattern of demand or supply in economy. Seasonal unemployment associated with industries or regions where the demand for labor is lower at certain times of the year. Table of Contents I. Introduction 5 II. Unemployment Error: Reference source not found6 A. The meaning of unemployment 6 B. Official measures of unemployment 8 C. Unemployment and the labour market 11 D. Types of disequilibrium unemployment 14 Real-wage unemployment Demand deficient or cyclical unemployment..à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Case studyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.17 E. Equilibrium unemployment (or natural unemployment) 19 Fritional (search) unemployment Error: Reference source not found Structural unemployment. Seasonal unemployment.. III. Conclusion 21 Introduction The serious problem which every country must deal with increase their economy is unemployment. Therefore, before going any further we have to define precisely what we mean by unemployment. It depends on how narrowly it is defined. Actually, the general meaning is no job. Each country almost wants have a low amount of unemployment because if we have a high unemployment amount, our economy will gradually decrease our income. As a result, our economy will go down a lot. In order to understand easily we can examine how the economy flows as below: Unemployment Æ’Â Â ® No income  ® No consumption   ¯ Lay off workers  ¬ Productions Æ’Å ¸  ¬ Aggregate demand Æ’Å ¸ So, this flow chart keeps happen continuously over and over. Thats why our GDP is getting lower and lower as well as jobless people are getting higher and higher. II/ Unemployment: The meaning of unemployment As a matter of fact, almost countries experienced the recession. Moreover, the unemployment figures bring the recession into an even sharper focus. However, the average of unemployment has different levels in different countries. There are many different definitions of unemployment. As a result, we will focus on the meaning of unemployment and the ways express the amount of unemployment. Firstly, we have to address the meaning of unemployment. Generally, unemployment simply means that a person is jobless. Nevertheless, this meaning is not exactly right because children and retired people will be not essential for the statistics. Regardless of the fact that Michael Todaro defines it in two ways as voluntary and involuntary unemployment. The definition of voluntary unemployment is that the people do not find employment, and want to stay at home in order to take care of their families. Conversely, people are able and willing to work but there are no jobs available for them. Therefore, we can understand that unemployment is a state of the people who are adequate standards of health as well as ages and able to work, but they are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for work. Secondly, we should concentrate on the ways express the amount of unemployment. As a rule, there are two ways so as to represent the unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. The number unemployed is used when people are unable to find a job even so they are reading and waiting to work at the prevailing wage. Alternatively, the economists can be expressed the unemployment rate as a percentage if they represent the percentage of total labor force which includes all persons in employment and unemployment. In other words, the prevalence of unemployment usually express as the unemployment rate which is defined as the percentage of the labor force. For instance, if there were 30 million people in employment and 2 million people in unemployment in a country, we could find the unemployment rate by: All things considered, unemployment is one of the most important problems in the economy. The level of unemployment usually shows the economic situation in a country. Furthermore, it also changes over time because it depends on the economic conditions and other circumstances. B) Official measures of unemployment Unemployment is the serious problem in every country. It is one of the primary factors has effected to the increasing or the decreasing Government income. The main objective of every economy is always attempt to cut down a percentage of unemployment rates as low as possible, because it can be a charge of social, an ineffectiveness of human resources or a reduction of national revenue. In order to resolve these crisis effects we need to estimate the unemployment rate to boost the national economy. There are two general measures of unemployment: Claimant unemployment and Standardized unemployment rates. Claimant unemployment: According to this measure unemployment rate will be calculated as percentage between the number of claimants and the total of labor force. It has several important advantages. For example, it is not too difficult to resume information, and it is the fastest method so far. Although the method has the advantages listed above, it also has some disadvantages such as false information or overstate of people just wants to get allowance but not really looking for a job. In addition, this number excludes jobless people that cannot satisfies the qualified for benefits. Standardized unemployment rates: This is the modern formula set up by two international organizations: The International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Based primarily on them the rate will be collected by national labor force examination. Basically, work forces are enough old to go to work and also active to looking for a job right now. It is an improved measure but it still has the limit in somehow. First, we can observe it on the effective factor. For instance, providing the more exactly figure than Claimant unemployment because it include people who highly want to find out a job but cannot be eligible claimant at the meantime. In contrast, several bad factors of this method make it has some less effective. It is taking much time to survey and statistic. Moreover, it cannot count discouraged workers who have given up looking for a job after long-term unemployment. And people work for underground economy, which have illegal job for example drug dealer, mafia and etc. can be consider as unemployment while part-time workers who would like to get the full-time job but they cannot get any suitable jobs are excluded from unemployment numbers. To illustrate this let examine the unemployment rate in Australia with the method of Standardized unemployment rates from source of CIA world factbook: Source of CIA world factbook. Based on above column chart- the numbers of Australian unemployment rate survey from labor force- we can observe the lowest rate in 2009 and the peak in 2003. However, the percentage from 2009 to 2010 increases dramatically with percentage of +1.5% because the influence global economic resection. In order to avoid economic seriously affected by the recession, Australian government has solutions by injecting a lot of money as well as push their citizens to spend money to expand more job for Australians. However, this situation still does not effective in this time. To sum up, Australian government should have the right policies to improve this situation unemployment. C) Unemployment and the labor market In a labor market, wages would adjust in order to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. The reasons of unemployment can be divided into two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. In a perfectly competitive labor market, the intersection of demand and supply curves determined the wage rate and level of employment. Real wage S D N Labor Real wage S D Labor Average (Real) Wage Rate AS N e d W AD O Q No. of workers Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. According to the Sloman (2007), the aggregate supply of labor curve (AS) is fairly inelastic and it may become less inelastic when the new labor enter the labor market or the unemployed workers rather start to work than search for a new better job . It indicates the number of workers who are willing to accept the work at different real wage rate. Besides, the downward slope is the aggregate demand for labor curve (AD). Firms will spare employees and replace some factors of the production when the real wage rate is getting higher. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. D) Types of disequilibrium unemployment: 1. Real wage unemployment: Firstly, we focus on the real-wage unemployment which is the form of disequilibrium unemployment. It occurs when real wages for works are forced above the market-clearing level leading to an excess supply of labor. As a matter of fact, trade unions are one of the most important causes of real-wage unemployment because they control the wages by their power. However, their power has diminished significantly over recent years. Moreover, it is popularly believed that the minimum wage is also the reason for real wage unemployment. 2. Demand-deficient It also calls cyclical or Keynesian unemployment. If the economy slides into recession or inflation, this thing will happen. Besides, aggregate demand is a caused of demand deficient. If demand for goods and services decrease, it leads to the surplus of output and consequently, the firm are forced to dismiss amount of labor they employ before. Furthermore, the recession lasts more seriously and the higher will worst case. In addition, the people who out of work will be de-skilled or de motivated. As a result, it is hard to find a new job in the future or perhaps they earn a few money in lowing job. Cyclical unemployment will increase during the recession time otherwise will go down when the economy recover. Moreover, demand deficient may be happen in the long term because of many reasons. The first thing is if the company cut wages of worker, it dues to it will influences on aggregate demand and consumer spending. Next reason is the higher of unemployment will make the customer l imit their spending and it makes the GDP of one country will reduce Demand deficient unemployment is associated with the theory of J.M.Keynes who developed his General Theory of Money against a backdrop of the Great (.December 2nd, 2009 | economics) Unemployment caused by a fall in total demand with no fall in the real wage rate. Why real wage would not fall ? There are two reasons to explain this question Efficiency wages: The first thing is the traditional one of balancing the demand and supply of labor. The second is motivating workers. Efficiency wages means we will attract the qualified employees by pay higher salaries than the market clearing. Furthermore, the surplus labor market can make the employer work less hard and make substandard goods. Another ideas is that it can make the number of unemployment increase rapidly because they will hire a group of people who can work effective, as a result, they will get a lot of profits from employment. Insider power: the people are members of unions and they also have many special skills or their knowledge can attract employers while the outsiders do not have influence on the firm. As a result, the outsiders can drive down the real wage rate even eliminate demand- deficient unemployment. To examine more details about this problems, if the real wage really fall , perhaps we cannot solve this problem and might be make it worse because they will cut in workers wages, it leads to the workers income also go down. Consequently, labor force have to reduce their consumption of goods ->remain demand deficient unemployment. In addition, although the economy can overcome again, the demand deficient still fall steadily because of business cycle. 3. Growth in the labor supply The labor supply and demand need to balance together. If the supply of labors increases, it means there are many workers will seek the firm, but in fact there is not enough demand of labors, it may be a cause of unemployment. Moreover, the real wage will fall and it is also a disadvantage of things with employers. Finally, the woman or the children have over 16 years old can get a part time job despite the lower average wage rate. CASE STUDY Figure: Rates of unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64): 1995-2005 I will show you more details about unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64) 1995- 2005. It is difficult to measure of youth unemployment from full- time student to full time worker. In Australia, the trends of young people combine education and employment in many different ways. For instance, many teenage schools always find a part- time job to support their tuition fees such as waiters or waitress in the restaurant or Vietnamese students help their host selling foods in the supermarket Young people try on different types of post- school education just as they try-on different jobs (Wynn,2005). Moreover, it is hard to find a full-time job in 2005 because of recession. As a result, 20% teenagers who look for full- time work are unemployed (Parliamentary Library,2005). In figure 4 show unemployment among youth has fallen by a relatively large 5%, otherwise, the older workers also go down strongly in 2005 with 2%.Due to, a rise in participation rate of this group. Recent unemployment is a second group which is facing high unemployment. There three reasons, first of all are youth people, they have to spend a lot of time to find out information to get a suitable job. It is difficult for person who cannot speak English and they also shock by many varieties of culture even lacking of good- skills. Finally, the discrimination is one of the most important things because it always happens everywhere such as sexual, national origins or age (Richardson et at 2004). Data for 2005 show that migrants with these characteristics quickly find employment six months after arrival, 83% of skilled primary applicant had a job, while 12% were looking for work(5% were not in the labor force)*. In general, higher unemployment and non- participation in the labor force than for skilled primary applicants. Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. E) Equilibrium unemployment is the economic situation in which aggregate demands for and supplies for labor at the current real wage rate are equal. There are three types of equilibrium unemployment: 1. Frictional unemployment: Can be understand like this example, a first-time job seeker may lack the resources or efficiency for finding the company that has the job that is available and suitable for him or her. As a result this person does not take other work, temporarily holding out for the better-paying job. Basically to understand that frictional unemployment is the place which is helps unemployment to search or find jobs for them, even they are voluntarily. Even though after the unemployment try their first job and they cant be suitable with that , they can be continue to ask the frictional unemployment to help them again to search a new job. In this place, so many available unemployment for workers search and neither for unemployment. 2. Structural unemployment: As you know, the computers may have eliminated jobs but they also opened up some of new positions for those who have the skill to operate. As we know, the structural unemployment is the place for company to changes their economy. There are 2 main reasons: A change in the pattern of demand b) A change in the method of production 3. Seasonal unemployment: Unemployment expected at a given time of year. Resort areas, for example, can expect to experience seasonal unemployment during the off-season. Unemployment statistics provided by the government are seasonally adjusted. CONCLUSION Unemployment is a serious problem with each country which has an important effect of society as well as economy. Firstly, we need to estimate a detailed amount of unemployment rate of each careers and ages. Moreover, from this estimate, the government needs to release the type of unemployment which will be necessary to improve. From this point, it should put forward a lot of suitable strategy or policy about society and jobs. To improve this situation, we should have job information, which is provided by government job centers, by private employment agencies, or by local and national newspapers.
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